
Keeper of the Tiara
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Somewhere Over the Rainbow, VA
In the spirit of Valentines Day and Paying it Forward (something I enjoy doing), I'd like to know of those on BYC that are currently NOT Gold Feather Members who you feel are deserving and have touched you or others via their spirit of friendship, giving spirit or some other way.

Rules are simple:

Send me a PM - address the subject as Pay It Forward

You can nominate as many people as you feel are deserving - just tell why they derserve it (i.e,. little story to go with it). I will be keeping a word document of each person that nominates and the name of the person they nominate/reason. If you have more than 1 person you want to put in, I'll just keep adding them under your name

There will be 2 winners
Winners will be selected by my 10 year old son (I'll have no say whatsoever in who gets selected - I'll just foot the bill
) and will be announced by noon Friday, 13 February.

So - Happy Valentines Day
and...when you can, Pay It Forward!

Hugs to all -

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I will not publish who nominated the winners and/or why publically - I will notify the person(s) who nominated the winners via PM and leave it up to them if they want to notify their selectee and why.

If there are multiple nominations for the same person(s) who win - I will just notify all those that requested said people that their nominee won and they can choose to forward each of their reasons privately if they so choose.

I dont want anyone to feel awkward or anything - so I'm just throwing this out here now soas not to have anyone worry

Thanks again!
I'm a firm believer in paying it forward also. We often will see some family in a restuarant when we are eating that look like they might could use some help, so when I pay for our supper I also pick up there ticket and leave with them never knowing. And just the other day, my husband, who ALWAYS hates when I do it, paid for some elderly couples groceries because their check wouldn't clear. He said he could tell by the few off brand items they had, that they REALLY needed it. And after all these years of picking on me about it, he did it!!!!!
Thank you all for the names so far
My DS is excited and cant wait! He will pick names late tonight! SEND ME NAMES - I only have 6 so far - I've seen the kindness out here on BYC, I know they're out there
. I can think of 10 right now myself but I'm not in this - its all about YOU GUYS, - not me.

Reminder: I do not need great depth/details as to why, I really only need them so my 10 y/o has something to pick off of - something HE would understand. I thought of doing a raffle by just having everyone submit their names but thought it would be better to have friends nominate other friends for their own reasons.

Please - dont thank me - I didnt do this for recognition and want none. People on here do this anon all the time. I was going to do the same, but wanted to give others a chance to pick someone - and "Pay It Forward" in a sense that way. So many are having hard times right now and maybe they cant afford it right now or they were gifted and wish they could gift someone else...

Does that make sense? I hope so..I dont know how else to explain it - I just know it makes sense in my head.
Good Morning everyone!

Well, after my DS gave me puppy eyes one too many times, I gave in and upped the anty - so there are 5 WINNERS

Congrats to the following people:






Enjoy your memberships!
I've notified those that nominated the winners - so if they so choose to reveal who they are and why they nominated, that will be their choice. Any thank you's please send them their way because without THEM - this wouldnt be possible!

I wish I could have done everyone that was nominated, but I want you to all know that I appreciate every single one of ya

Thanks to everyone that submitted - couldnt have done it without you guys n gals!

Hugs to all,
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