Crazy 24 hour auction thread

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Deluxe Dozens
11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Riverside/Norco, CA
The Aussie thread was a lot of fun, and I wanted to thank all the people who donated and purchased eggs. I was just wondering if such a thread could be fun if it was just for auctioning your eggs, sort of like the Crazy Egg Swap, but just selling your eggs outright. Okay, here are the rules:

All auctions end 24 hours after they are posted. Highest bidder before the end of the auction wins. Shipping is extra, to be worked out between buyer and seller. Any and all eggs welcome. No chit chat, just Offers and Bids, please, to keep it readable and easier to follow the action. YOU MUST POST YOUR LOCATION. and any terms of sale, (pre-sale, explain any special circumstance, such as possiblity of mix breeding, pullet eggs, less than optimal color, and you must post pics of either the birds, the eggs, or both of anything you are offering. Pics must be of your own birds and/or eggs. Please state what the seller's name is, as well as the breed of eggs you are bidding on.
Offer, six BBS marans eggs, To ship out March 2nd or 3rd. Norco, CA. I have two black hens in with a black roo, Ray Valentine lines most likely. I have three blue and one splash hen in with a splash roo that may have some cuckoo traits, not able to tell. I had a cuckoo roo get in one night with the flock and I am still getting the occasional cuckoo marked chick, so I am still not sure if the splash roo carreis cukoo or not. The opinions on the board that saw a pic, said no. I say I don't know. Here is a pic of the birds, and a current pic of the eggs from the last few days is forthcoming. I will get a pic of it and post it in a bit.






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anyone can offer. You don't need to have anything laying right now. Just buy the eggs you want. When you bid, state what auction (member name, type of egg, as a member may list more than one type of egg in a 24 hr period) you are bidding on. Example. I bid $12 on JoeBlo's two toed whistlepeeps eggs.
I'll also offer 6 plus extras. OEGB assortment. Spangles, Self Blue, Birchen, Brown/red. Buyer pays shipping of $7.00 From Meadowview Virginia I currently have 4 spangle,2 self blue, 1 birchen and 1 brow/red including everything else laid until i ship monday



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I'll offer 12+ EE eggs. They will be blue unless you request some of the pink ones. Buyer pays shipping based on zip code. Here's the daddy and the egg color:


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