An Xray of Hen Laying an Egg


10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
In a previous post by Windy Ridge "What is the strangest place your hens have laid an egg?" I was reminded that my late hen Ginger had laid an egg on the examination table while being xrayed! I had sort of forgotten about it...but we had persuaded the vet to let us keep the xray film for 4H (and, I think I MORE THAN paid for it anyway!!) We got a new scanner, so I thought I would give it a try so I could show you the xrays. Here is the link to Windy's thread, and my xrays. These are surely unique!!



edited to fix photobucket...I'm not good at this yet!
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It was actually a normal sized (bantam) egg. I imagine it just looks bigger because the xray is not showing all of the feathering and fluff...pretty amazing when you think about how small their bodies actually are compared to the size of the egg they push, I never noticed that!
That's pretty cool! And yes.. what a large looking egg... but I suppose that's because we can only really see bones!

What A LOT of work & pain they must go through to give us our eggs. I have 1 kid.. I can't imagine giving birth EVERY SINGLE DAY... or even EVERY OTHER DAY!

WHEW! whole new respect for eggs and chickens I'll tell ya!

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