how do you make your own chicken scratch? Recipes needed

Ya, I was kanda wondering the same thing.

i'll google it and see what I find.

Wow i found..... nothing yet excpt for a likny back to this page:(
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Nice link, but I thought I read somewhere that you weren't supposed to feed chickens raw legumes/beans? The recipe included has 1 part each of split peas and lentils.... I'm confused now
My scratch mix
100 lb. whole corn
50 lb. wheat
50 lb. whole oats
50 lb. mixed bird seed (sorgum,various millets,sunflower,minimal corn)
25 lb. black oil sunflower
I scatter this on the coop floor first thing in morning, just enough that they will clean up in 2-3 minutes. They will keep turning over the bedding looking for the small stuff, or any that dropped in. This really helps keep the bedding loose and dry. In the winter I add another 50lb. of corn to the mix. There is a hanging feeder in each pen with laying mash, or grower in it for their main feed.
Currently Im just half filling a cup with cracked corn, sprinkling in a little bit of uncooked oatmeal and filling the rest with black sunflower seeds,but I'm looking to add more things to it
Not really using scratch anymore. I let my chickens run in the kitchen every night just after dark.
Because of the water lines coming in from the water access shaft theres a plentiful supply of little cockroaches. My chickens go nuts when the sun goes down because its fun time!
I think they like that much more than the corn or sunflower seed scratch they used to get.

Plus its heartily entertaining to watch the "lights on" race between the chickens and bugs.
Only problem is the roaches seems to have put up a warning sign on our apartment, fewer and fewer every night.

The poop left on the floor is a small price to pay for almost no bugs.
Here's a picture of the kitchen back when we tried the first time, just before sundown we open everything to encourage the bugs to move out. (not the cleanest day, but we were expecting poop so this is pre cleaning)
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