Updated picture 5/17/09----What breed is Rudolph?


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Southeast Alabama
My husband bought some Barred Rock chicks at an auction a couple of weeks ago. I told him from the beginning that this little guy looked different. The main thing I noticed at first was that its beak was much brighter, which is why he was named Rudolph. Now that the Barred Rocks are starting to get their black and white barred feathers, it's obvious that Rudloph is not one of them. I think he got mixed in by accident.

The first photo is of Rudolph and the 2nd is a Barred Rock roo of the same age that we bought with him. You can already see the barred rock coloring on the 2nd chick. Also, Rudolphs legs are much darker than any of the others that we bought with him. His feathers are darker, too. I think they are both roosters because at only a few weeks old they both have larger and redder combs than some of the others and are getting wattles already also.

Can you tell me what breed Rudolph might be?


Cujo the Barred Rock (already a mean, feisty little guy)
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I'm sure he's not an Australorp because we have 9 of them and he doesn't look quite like them. Other than that, I have no clue. He was supposed to be a Barred Rock, but it's getting obvious that someone made a mistake on this one.
yeah, thats right........australorp chicks have white on them too, dont they?

hmmm....and I looked up some pics of black jersey chicks....they have gold on their bellies too!

Gee....Sorry, i just dont have a clue. Hope you can find out soon!
Black sex links have black colored legs and very little, if any, white feathering. Is there any reddish feathers coming in around the neck? If it is a black sex link, then it would be a girl.

Edited for excessive punctuation.
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It does have some that have a slight red tint. I hope Rudolph is a girl! That would mean I'd get to keep her! We live in town and aren't supposed to have over a certain number of "fowl" on our property, so we are trying to keep the number of roosters to a minimum so nobody complains.

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