1st HATCH! OMGosh, look what came out of my EE egg!


11 Years
May 29, 2008
SC Arkansas
My Silkie rooster is an sneaky fellow! Not to mention ambitious and flexable, lol!

The Mom is a Black Breasted Red Easter Egger. Looks like this chick will have her feather color, and all the Silkie features, dark skin, 5 toes, etc... I just hope it will have Silkie feathering too.....looks like it so far.

Oh, and before you ask, no, the Mom doesn't lay blue eggs, she lays pink eggs. Sure wish it had been blue though. Guess you can't have everything!


Here is the chick next to a pure Silkie that I hatched the same day.

How cute! I have a little guy with similar coloring and feathering but it's not a silkie. I think the chipmunk stripes with all that fluff is SO cute!
hahaaaa how cute! i wanna see pics when it gets bigger!!!!!!!

You bet! I hope he/she will have a crest/poof on it's head too. Looks like there's a decent one there.

Thanks for the complements. I think I'll put my Silkie roo with some of my girls that lay a blue egg, and see if I can get a few more chicks. This one is just too cute not to try it again.​
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I bet he is!

I'm just so shocked. We'd seen him try before, but he always falls off backwards, giving us a good laugh. I guess he's the one laughing now!
There was a thread some time ago where someone disagreed with me that a silkie can mate with a standard.
I knew it was possible as I only have a silkie roo and have hatched many babies.(although I admit none as cute as yours!!) Thanks for posting this so other folks will know, where there is a will there is a way!!

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