Ants Killed 7 Baby Quail


11 Years
Feb 4, 2008
Venice, Florida
I went out to check on my quail who are about 4-6 weeks old and they were in a wire cage which was off the ground and the 7 babies were covered with fire ants.
I felt so bad, what a painful horrible death.

I've put DE out, I've been making a boric acid trap for ants. I've been boiling water and putting it on the ant hills as I find them - (it does work). I have in the past put gasoline on them. Does anybody have any other tips or advice on how to get rid of ants? With the drought we've had for the past 3 years, they are very very bad. Anywhere there's water, even watering my garden, they come.

DE - does that work when it gets wet? Or does that cancel it out?
Oh I'm so sorry
I have a friend who swears by grits. You'd have to do a search because I'm not sure if you add anything to them, but she says they take them back to the nest, eat them, and explode as the grits expand.

I'm so sorry

I did not know that could happen poor little babies
I don't know what to do try the grits from the last post
DE is ground up fossil shells, thus its properties do not change when it gets wet. I, myself, sprinkle the ant hills with the DE and it does kill them.

So sorry about your quail babies.
nothing but gasoline worked for me, and I see you already tried that

what I think happens is that they just move to the neighbor's yard long enough for you to think they're gone, then they come right back over again, so it's a never-ending battle
AMDRO fire ant killer is what I swear by. Keep it well away from any of your animals but the ants love the stuff and take it back to the nest. It is still effective when wet too if I remember right.

ETA: When I lived in Dallas, this was the only stuff my family and most of our neighbors used.
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Gasoline works great, I just don't want to use it around my veggies and grapes.

Glad to know that DE works when wet, the ants get around the waterers in the runs. That's something I can use in there. I did put some in the nest where my broody hen is.

Battle has been joined. I hate ants. Red meanies for killing my quail.

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