The Saga of the Chicken Mansion UPDATE 6/14: Runs added.


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Keystone Heights, FL
My dear husband doesn't do anything halfway. He is blessed with a strong drive and an endearing love for a challenge. We read about the space required for chickens. I told him my woeful stories of lost chickens at the fangs and claws of wild beasts. And so, my beloved has embarked on a Great Mission. To create the Fort Knox of chicken coops. A veritable Palace of Poultry.

I call it FORT FOWL.

Here it is in the early beginnings. A full 12 feet by 12 feet of indoor romping space. It will have room for 25 meat chickens and separate (but not equal) suite for the laying hens. Each will have their own run.


As I type and tend to our baby son, I can hear a flurry of activity outside. I promise more pictures tonight and tomorrow night.
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Here's the progress from this weekend:

Working on a roof design before we finish the wire. We were going to have the 4X4 support beams higher on one side to make a slanted roof but one was sunk too deep so now we'll have to figure out another way. Hubby will ponder it this week and come up with a plan.


We're supposed to work on our coop this weekend but we have had rain non-stop all week. I don't know how long the poor coop will take to dry out.

The chicks are in their respective brooders on our covered back porch with their lights back on. Brrr!

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