Hen has penquin type stance !! HELP


12 Years
Apr 13, 2007
Rock Island, TN
My husband called me at work yesterday and said we had a hen that was not doing well and thought she was going to die. Went to TSC and got vitamins and electrolytes. got home and he had isolated her but she was unable to stand and was splayed out with her wings in an awkward position. I picked her up and tried to feed her, she wouldn't eat. Tried to give her V&E water with a syringe and she did get some. When I tried to stand her up she couldn't stand. Later, she did stand but not great , but she looked like a penquin, very stilted stance. She will only eat now if I hold it up to her. She has had alot of feather loss also. No nasal or mouth discharge. Only poop I've seen looked clear mucus and watery with some green and very foul smelling. To me it almost seems to have affected her nervous system. Eyes are bright, comb still red , but not as bright. Please help if you have any suggestions.
How old is your hen? When did the symptoms start? Is there tail wagging or straining? Have you tried putting her in a warm bath and using kYgelly (or vaseline in a pich) around the cloacal area after? Separte her and try that if you feed she might be eggbound...if you suspect an egg has broken inside her it would be wise to take her to a vet.
Here is some basic info:
TERMINOLOGY of Common (reproductive) Disorders:
EGG BINDING -Egg binding is defined as failure of an egg to pass through an oviduct at a normal rate. Will often present with straining and a penguin-like stance.

DYSTOCIA -Dystocia is defined as a condition in which a developing egg is in the caudal oviduct and is either obstructing the cloaca or has caused oviductal tissue to prolapse through the oviduct-cloacal opening.

PROLAPSE -Usually the uterus protrudes through the cloaca; often an egg is present. It is important to keep these tissues moist.

SALPINGITIS - infection of the upper reproductive tract. Depression, weight loss, anorexia, and abdominal enlargement can occur with salpingitis.

Metritis is a localized problem within the uterine portion of the oviduct. It can be a result of dystocia, egg binding or chronic oviductal impaction. Bacterial metritis is often secondary to systemic infection. Shell formation and uterine contractions can be affected by metritis. Metritis can also cause egg binding, uterine rupture, peritonitis, and septicemia.

OVIDUCT IMPACTION -This is a condition in which soft-shelled eggs, malformed eggs, or fully formed eggs are stuck in the lower oviduct.

CYSTIC OVA - when an ovarian follicle becomes grossly enlarged and filled with fluid.

"Regression of the ovary may result in leakage of free yolk into the abdomen (yolk peritonitis); this rarely causes death except when yolk material migrates through the air sacs to the lung and causes foreign body pneumonia. Free yolk occurs in many cases of acute illness, injury, or forced molt. Regression of the ovary is frequently caused by low body weight, deliberate reduction of feed, overcrowding, or lack of feeder space. Infectious diseases such as exotic Newcastle disease, fowl cholera, pullorum disease, and avian influenza are known to cause this condition. It can also result from severe stress, which is often accompanied by feather molt, emaciation, and dehydration. "

PERITONITIS -Peritonitis can be divided into two categories: Septic and non-septic..... In non-septic peritonitis, egg material without bacteria is free in the abdomen. Acsites may or may not be present. Treatment includes removing the egg material surgically. Septic peritonitis is much worse. It is the most frequent cause of death associated with reproductive disorders. It is most likely not one disease but part of several diseases such as salpingitis, ruptured oviducts....

see further:
An excellent review of the critically ill eggbound hen
and some treatment measures
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She was not like this over the weekend. She started yesterday. She pecks at the food but is not eating much if any. she will drink some of the water, but not much. I have her in the basement where it is warmer. I think this is one of my Red Star hens. I got them as pullets last year. She has a bad odor about her, almost like she is rotting. Her legs are not scaly, but now she almost looks like she is developing something like bumblefoot. We have no avian vets here, so I am relying on all of your advice. She had a large amount of watery poop with some green and more formed white clumps which is really foul smelling, worse then any diarrhea I've ever smelled. She did walk over to me and buried her head in my lap. I could hear her breathing but didn't sound labored. No tail wagging or straining.
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She may be a false / internal layer (and the smell indicating it has gone septic >peritonitis) ... read about that here:

...anything I say is simply a guess... and if peritonitis/salpingits... or the condition you saw in that thread above (which thankfully was not septic) then you really need a vet... these things are usually complicated (so more than one thing going on)... perhaps you can consult with your farm vet ?
Well she is still hanging on, but is totally refusing to eat or drink now. Breathing is not labored. She still has the watery diarrhea. Went ahead and had my husband help me examine her vent and used the KY jelly suggested and did not feel anything(and believe me I reached as far as I could).That's when she expelled the large amount of watery diarrhea. She seems to be standing better today, not as wobbly.Should I try antibiotics???Anything else????
Well Sweetie just died in my arms. I felt so helpless and sad for her. I did my own necropsy and I'm not sure what I was seeing, but if it was her oviduct that I was seeing it was stopped up with multiple areas of what looked to be like green egg yolks(hard boiled). I'm sad and upset , but glad her misery is over. Thanks for your advice. I wish I could have saved her.

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