Chicken Rescue--Free hens--MA and surrounding


12 Years
Jan 31, 2007
I received this email today, and thought I'd pass it along in case anyone would like to help (hopefully this is the right forum to post this in, sorry if not!)

I don't know anything other then what is in the email, so for questions it'd be best to contact Michelle at Promising Hope ([email protected])


From: [email protected]
Hey Sue,

The chickens are in PA at an Organic Egg facility that is closing in May... I do not know what breed of chickens they are - only that they are brown egg layers about 2 years old... all hens... this will not be a pick and choose rescue... the only ones you will save are the number of hens you request... (this flock is NPIP approved)

the farmer is going to put all 16,000 of them down... so any life better than that is acceptable by me.... (so far it is a 9 state rescue - at last toll was 1,800 hens saved - 800 of them coming to MA) still a long way to go....

If you are still interested in saving some hens... let me know how many... and include your contact info along with your address so when needed I can start to schedule delivery or contact you if any details change... when delivered they will have to go straight from the truck to your farm... no stop overs... (MA regulations)


Michelle Rogers
Promising Hope Animal Sanctuary
Middleboro, MA
Last edited:
I will be e-mailing them.
Yes, for details, to help or any other questions, you can email or call Promising Hope Sanctuary

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