Quail coop (Updated with new cage pics!)


9 Years
Mar 10, 2010
Glasgow, MO
I am in the process of building a quail coop in hopes of acquiring some quail in the coming weeks. I have a few questions about the coop itself.

My outside area will be 3' tall, 30" deep and 30" wide. How many quail would be a comfortable amount for the size?

The house section will be 18" deep and 24" tall at the front sloped down to 18" at the back so rain can run off easily. Is this large enough and again, How many will the fit comfortably? Also is there anything I need to add inside it such as dividers or anything? Will pine shavings be a good bedding for in the box? Will they lay eggs on that or do I need to use something else?

I have the frame work done and it will be painted tomorrow and then 1/2" hardware cloth on the sides and top will be added. 1/4" hardware cloth on the bottom so it will be easy on there feet. I also plan on adding a 7/8" dowel rod (Is this an acceptable size?) across for a place to roost. At what height in the screened in area should this be? I also plan on adding a nice piece of driftwood root for an additional roosting area.

Sorry for sounding like a noob but I am, I have never had quail before and want to do it right the first time on setting the coop up for them.

Thanks in advance,
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wHAT KIND OF QUAIL IF YOU ARE GETTING BOB WHITE THATS FINE TO HAVE A ROOST But you don't need my for Coturnix. For my Coturnix my pens are 24"X 36" 10"H you can get 15 in each pen. I use auto watering systems and rabbit feeders without the holes in them
You pack them in pretty tight.

Its a general guideline (lemme stress GENERAL and GUIDLINE) 1sq ft per bird for COTURNIX quail. As mentioned earlier bobs/ valleys/ gambels/ mtns will roost. coturnix and buttons generally do not. Coturnix as usually do better in a pen with less flight space.... It makes them injuring themselves harder if they dont have enough room to flush and bounce off the ceiling... Also do not use the 1/4 in hardware cloth as a bottom-- the feces will not fall thru and thereby make you the official poop scooper while trying to retain your birds.
I am using 1/2 X 1" for bottoms on my Bobs cages they are doing OK they are 6 months old if you have chicks you may need to use something smaller then what I am using for a little while until they get some size to them
Well so much for my bobwhite idea...

I went to an animal auction today and got a pair of Coturnix quail so I guess I'll be either making adjustments to my framework or starting a new one for the Coturnix and getting some bobwhites at a later date.
There is nothing wrong with a Coturnix framework. Unless you just can't live without bobwhites.
If your goal is to raise bobwhites, mearns, East Zambadieasion Gutter Snipes, or what ever, then go for that.
It was just as easy to cut my framework down so that's what I did. I did not want to take the chance of them flushing a breaking a neck so I took the time last night to take care of it. Today comes the painting and the hardware cloth. Hopefully tomorrow the quail will be in there new home.
I have 5 coturnix coops and they range in height form 1-3 ft high. I have never had a quail injure itself by hitting the wire on top. I'm sure it does happen but i have not had a problem. Now remember we are talking about coturnix NOT bobwhites so don't beat me up!
Finally have it 90% finished (Still need legs and a partial roof cover for shade) and thought I would snap a couple pics and let the quail see it for the first time...




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