sick RIR, need help!!


10 Years
Jun 4, 2009
my RIR is acting off since yesterday

symptoms are, tired (sleeps where ever she is), slow moving, very very thirsty (she hangs out at water all day), puffed up and ruffled feathers and a pale comb/wattles/face and she is not eating anything i try to give her.

she is 3 years old, normally one of my healthiest birds, never had any laying problems, whole coop was cleaned and dusted for mites not too long ago and all chickens were dusted (coop was cleaned in june chickens were dusted twice since then) i feed organic layer and give them plenty of oyster shell, a little scratch when its cold and some oats (the type you make oat meal from)

treats are all healthy type sometimes feeding bread to get them in early.

really really need some ones help
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noticed tonight that her crop feels like its full of fluid, shes been drinking alot of water and her crop was empty yesterday

could it be a sour crop or fungus?
sounds like it could be sour crop -- does her breath have a putrid / nasty smell? Have you tried putting apple cider vinegar in the water? You might try offering some plain yogurt or scrambled eggs if you can get her to eat anything at all. She'll need to eat something soon or she will not make it.
If she DOES have sour crop, there are several posts on here from people who have successfully treated it. Do a search for "sour crop" and see if her symptoms line up with those, and what the treatment was. I hope your girl gets better very soon.
I am so sorry about your hen. I really don't know what it could be. I will offer this. We had a respiratory infection go through our flock. One of our breeding roosters got it bad. He stopped eating, was sleeping all the time, very lethargic. You could walk up to him and pick him up and he would hardly react at all. Very, very different from his normal behavior as you can imagine. We gave him the regular antibiotic in the water, but he still wasn't improving. Finally, in a last ditch effort, my husband gave him a dose of the antibiotic that was very concentrated (way more than a normal dose). He put in in an eye dropper and force fed the rooster. We had nothing to lose at that point as we thought he was going to die. Within 24 hours, he was on the mend and he is back to his normal self.
shes doing much much better today!

she ate a little grain and cooked oatmeal, shes moving faster, her comb and wattles are redder and she gave me a fight picking her up

i put GSE (grapefruit seed extract in they're water the day she started acting funny, i did 40 drops per 3 gallons) it is known to kill fungus, bacteria and viruses (it can even kill MRSA the worst human bacteria and can kill toe nail fungus)

it seems to of helped alot.
I am so sorry about your hen.  I really don't know what it could be.  I will offer this.  We had a respiratory infection go through our flock.  One of our breeding roosters got it bad.  He stopped eating, was sleeping all the time, very lethargic.  You could walk up to him and pick him up and he would hardly react at all.  Very, very different from his normal behavior as you can imagine.  We gave him the regular antibiotic in the water, but he still wasn't improving.  Finally, in a last ditch effort, my husband gave him a dose of the antibiotic that was very concentrated (way more than a normal dose).  He put in in an eye dropper and force fed the rooster.  We had nothing to lose at that point as we thought he was going to die.  Within 24 hours, he was on the mend and he is back to his normal self.

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