Shipment of chicks ... problem!


9 Years
Jan 11, 2011
Colorado Plains
I got a call from my local post office at 7:57 this morning.


Hi. I have a package in for you. I think it's supposed to be chicks.

Supposed to be?

Uh, they're from Cackle Hatchery?

Yes, I was expecting them today.

Are they live chicks?

What's wrong?

Pause. I didn't hear any sounds, so I peeked in the box. They are all huddled in one corner, with no movements and no sounds. I think they are all dead.

There was more to the conversation, with me asking are you sure they aren't sleeping, and so forth but ... okay, I'm freaking out here. My car is still buried in snow. I called one of my neighbors who has pigs, cattle, goats, chickens and so forth and practically begged her to take me to the post office. She hadn't done her morning chores yet, so she'll come get me (us... me and my kid) and take us to the post office. Sure hope HER car can get up my long snow-covered driveway!

So I'm hurrying with the rest of my chores. Turned the brooder-coop heat-light on, just in case. Still have to get water and feed in there. Totally prepared to hold them against my chest if I need to.

But I also have my camera and the invoice from the hatchery. I'll open there, and take pix. I truly hope they are all sleeping. 10 blue silkies and 15 bantam easter eggers. I'll update when I come home.

I really hope they're ok! I've just put an order in through Meyer for Mid-march and have already started panicking.
My Cackle order arrived yesterday in perfect shape. However nothing like they told me. 1. Day early (did not expect, good thing my DH was home) 2. Did not call us at all - someone from the Post Office actually deliverd them (weird, since it was not our usuall carrier) Anway they are perfect . I always get nervous with these things. Hope yours are ok. The heat pack they put in the box with them was warm for hours) I will be thinking of you.
I've dealt with Cackle. Their customer service is pretty good. The only problem I had was getting through them on the phone, but be persistent and you can talk to somebody. Definitely take the camera and document it, but I doubt they will require much documentation.

Shipping chicks is risky. Most of the time things go great, and most of the time when there are problems they are not the hatchery's fault, but if you are shipping 100,000 chicks a week, things can go wrong.

Here's hoping they are OK, but if they are not, don't give up.
oh please please be ok. the suspence is killing me, gotta walk away and find something to do before i wear out the refresh button on my computer, waiting to hear something......must resist the urge (as i click refresh again)


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