My Buff Orp babies...fresh out the bator


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
100% hatch - 20 out of 20 orpie babies. These gals sure can hatch.
Notice I said "gals".

Edited to add - the black ones are more Lester babies. There are 3 of those eggs left in the bator - 1 working on it and I believe the others are pipped.




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They are a mass of cute! Jody, I have to tell you, the one little pullet I managed to hatch from your eggs is the tiniest thing! She's like a little dwarf Orpie girl with short legs and wings way too big for her body. It looks like she borrowed someone else's wings, LOL! Her two brothers are so, so much larger than she is. She is just adorable. She reminds me of my runt RIR, Rosemary, who is now going on three years old. We adore Rosemary and we'll adore our little gold Nugget, too, I'm sure.
The 5th Lester baby just hatched and I'm hoping the others will too. So far, we are up to 11 Lav X Black babies. Still hoping for all girls to keep Lester and little Lucas company through winter.

It was funny when we were pulling all the shells, Charlie grabbed one of the Lester babies and goes "oh my, they are fat little buggers". LOL
I can't wait to see how they grow out and to pick my keepers. I am already seeing some boys, but we'll wait a little longer to be sure.

Cyn - oh no..I don't have any runt orpies. haha I am sure she just hatched from a little egg and will catch up soon. These girls are fat and sassy for sure. I hope your girl lives up to her reputation, like her mamas. LOL

Congrats! They are soooo cute! I am going to have to try to hatch some myself. I have only raised biddies the natural way so have not any experience with an incubator.

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