Esther and Winnie~ Emerald ~ Momma Time~ UH-OH Egg Overload P46

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12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
This is a photo progression of my Golden Laced Wyandotte and Easter Egger.
Comments included

Added 7/14
I originally bought two chicks at a feed store intending to get a GLW and an EE, The person working at the feed store had put all the chicks together and didnt really know enough about chickens to know the difference in the breeds, (although she thought she did). :|
The result was that, I first got 2 EE's thinking one was a GLW, when I figured out both were EE's, I returned one and picked out a GLW myself.
Although I wanted a darkish colored EE and my original belief was that Esther would actually turn out to be a light color, I knew I had to get her anyway because of the personality she exibited.
She stood out amoungst all the others in that little brooder box at the feed store.
Winnie, on the other hand, was simply my best guess at picking out a GLW.

In the past I have looked on this board for pics that showed a progression of a chick so that I could see what to expect, and to compare my own chicks for a variety of reasons including sexing, color, what to expect from feather pattern, and any anomalies in my chickens.
I was able to find scattered pics, in most cases, which never really showed a full progression of a single chick, so I decided to share my chick’s progression for the benefit of others. I hope you find it useful.
I retain all rights to my intellectual property, photographs displayed in this thread, and the original design of the Leggo coop, that is shown in many of my pictures (had to put that in because of an odd e-mail I received)

Page 1: Introduction, Day 1 Pics, Week1 Pics
Page 2: Week 2 Pics, Week 3 pics
Page 3: Week 4 pics, Geeting ready to go out for the first time, Older chick pics.
Page 4: Week 5 pics, Chicks first day out-Older chick pics, Change log, Loose poop topic
Page 5:Cont. Week 5 pics, Cont. Diaraea Discussion
Page 6:More answers on diarrhea problem, Pic comparison of Esther day 1 VS. 5+weeks old
Page 7: 6 Week Pics,DE, Yogert, Hazels beak, Pics of the Dominiques and Australorps at 14 weeks
Page 8: 6 1/2 week pics, Side by side comparison of the 14 week pullets Vs. 6 week old chicks, Photography chat
Page 9:Almost 7 weeks and 15 weeks (a shot of all 6); Comparison of Dominiques, Australorps, Wyandottes and EE's at Nearly 7 weeks; My Camera broke( discussion of Laws regarding returns); Moving the coop; Discussion of Rooster signs ...
Page 10:General Discussion, Questions on Gender
Page 11: Week 7 Pics. Esther & Winnie movies, More General Gender discussion
Page 12:Pic comparison of 6,8 and 16 weeks old Australorp and Wyandotte, Discussion on Integration
Page 13:Week 8 1/2 Week Pics, Domineak sick. More Gender discussion The Australorp Screen Test Video


Esther first day, We didnt get Winnie the Wyandotte for another day due to feed store error

Winnie 24 hours after we got esther

Esther the Easter Egger and Winnie the Wyandotte at 1 week /car1.jpg /eewyn.jpg
A shot that shows their combs at 1 week /combs1week5.jpg
Pea Comb Rose Comb

They got named today.
When I got Esther she was standing in front of a cowering mass of chicks, looking at the people like she was checking them out.

Winnie follows Esther around and does whatever she does.
If Esther gets on your hand Winne does too, If Esther eats Winnie eats, If Esther poops, guess what Winnie does.
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They are cuties!

I love the ones that stand there and check things out when the other ones huddle in mass. It makes them easy to pick out, you just KNOW they will have personality!

I’ve decided to add pics to this thread as they progress.
It will save me having to come up with catchy titles for each subject line, while giving me a small outlet for my endless picture taking.
The world is a different place without the cost of film and developing

If at anytime someone gets the idea that Winnie is not a golden laced Wyandotte, or that either one of them is a rooster, feel free to let me know.

Taken 6/19 /feeder500.jpg

Taken 6/22 /ew1.jpg
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Wow! Of course they are cuties, but you take great photos!
Just love the little portrait of the two of them on your first post!
They are adorable....
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