Wazine 17 dosage

IMO Valbazen is the best since the old Salsbury worm-all tablets..Kills more worms than any other wormer on the market, Even shows properties against Blackhead,Cocci and the lower form of canker and also has some effect on the unhatched worm eggs..Valbazen kills Ovary Flukes, Gizzard and Cecal worms, Ivomec/Eprinex is practicly useless against these..Also IMO, If you've had chickens for a year or so in the same location 99 times out of 100 they have worms...
Pine Grove, where would one find this Valbazen?
Around here our choices are limited to Wazine or the Ivomec/Eprinex.
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Most any livestock supply carries it, It is a cattle wormer..Online it can be bought from Jeffers, First State Vet Supply and Im sure others..Personally I get mine from Jeffers..
Okay dokey, thanks!
Never seen or heard of it around here.
Think I'll check it out from the RandallBurkey company, since they are a BYC sponsor. Thanks for the links.
Just two more questions if I may Pine Grove?
Could you please tell me route of administration and dosage for chickens, since it's a cattle wormer I doubt they put that info. on the label correct?
Also, what's the withdrawel time for eating the eggs?
Thanks bunches!
Chickenaddict, another note. I'm sorry I'm not trying to be a know-it-all, just trying to share info.
With certain wormers there is an egg withdrawel time. A time after worming when you can't eat the eggs. I went absolutely bonkers one night trying to find out what the withdrawel time was for Wazine and couldn't. Even on that jefferslivestock site, if you look for the Wazine it says something about not being labeled for egg laying hens. Just FYI. Have a good night.
Here's what it says about Wazine, exactly: NOT approved for eggs that will be used for human consumption.
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Peter Brown AKA Chicken DR suggests mixing 1 cc Valbazen to 8 cc water then give 2 cc's of this soulution per bird, But after worming hundreds with it I've found 1/4 cc undiluted given orally is easier and just as effective..The mixing with water is suposably for better gut coverage.. As with any of the other wormers not labled for chickens withdrawal times are not known for eating the eggs..Personally I and others that use Valbazen have eaten eggs after two weeks, not dead yet...........
Gotcha! Thanks!

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