Polish chickens being picked on. Just looking for thoughts or theories


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 9, 2009
I hope this is the right place to post this topic...

After reading a few threads (and posting one myself) about Polish chickens being picked on it seems to me there is a theme here.
Are Polish chickens just so docile that they don't defend themselves or is it something else?

Any thoughts?
The others see them as the weakest. Now, chickens being vicious creatures in their own nature, they will pick on those who have a defect or aren't able to function like the others. If the Polish don't keep up, they will fall victim to the crowd. In addition, the other non-crested birds may develop a taste for feathers if they are able to get to the Polish quick enough. I've never had this problem with mine, but alot of people say they do. And it can be a pain, sometimes impossible, to fix without removing birds from a flock forever.

Polish can have a gentle, docile disposition. It really depends on the bird. I know my WCB adult large fowl hen is one of the higher in the pecking order and will go after new chicks that are added each spring. But she is quite a character and very personable. She is my favorite.
Also, Polish aren't able to defend themselves if they can't see their attacker. I have pullets that have needed to have their crest trimmed so they can at least see the threat in front of them. And they get spooked when someone walks in front of them and they don't see them coming.

Crested roosters will submit more easily to non-crested hens. Any breed of rooster will submit to hens. It's this behavior that leaves most Polish roosters bald. If a hen pecks, he will most likely just stand there and let it happen. Hope this helped!
Of my neighbor's 2 roosters, the Polish is the one you want to keep an eye on. He has been known to attack people. He is not lacking in courage at all. But he is also the less dominant of the 2. He lives with his hens in the farthest back henhouse where there are more bushes so he can get his loving without being spotted by the other roo.

I understand Polish are somewhat at a disadvantage because the crest impairs their peripheral vision.
Oh no! I just last weekend got 2 little buff laced polish hens that are about 7 weeks old. I was going to wait till they got a little older before I put them in the coop with my cochins. Should I worry the will hurt them? Should I keep them apart for good? My cochins are still pretty young too. about 12 weeks. ???
Of my neighbor's 2 roosters, the Polish is the one you want to keep an eye on. He has been known to attack people. He is not lacking in courage at all. But he is also the less dominant of the 2. He lives with his hens in the farthest back henhouse where there are more bushes so he can get his loving without being spotted by the other roo.

I understand Polish are somewhat at a disadvantage because the crest impairs their peripheral vision.

You know, I've heard alot of bad things about Polish roos. I only have hens, so I haven't had bad experiences myself. We do have a mom in our 4H that was attacked by a Polish rooster when she was young. She still had the scar on her leg.
But you're right, no lacking in courage, as well as mercy.
They can be very sneaky.

Crazycluck, I wouldn't worry about your girls. Cochins have a reputation for being VERY docile, even though we don't have them. If I'm able to integrate 3 12-week-old Polish pullets in with my group of full grown adults of various ages (not to mention various dispositions), you'll be fine. The process of getting them to get used to each other will be slow, but I have no doubts you can do it.

Especially because your young Cochins are still in the time where they are currently trying to establish their own pecking order. They'll be confused with the Polish around, but so long as they are able to see each other through the safety of a fence or even dog crate (that's what I use), they will be okay given some time.

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