16-mo old BO hen internal layer? update: Paris necropsy pics (graphic)

...and I was even more lucky to have received such quick and thorough advice. It was like UrgentCare BYC!
Me too!

I bookmarked it for future ref. if needed. You did a great job caring for her and documenting everything so the rest of us could learn along with you. Thanks!

Really glad to hear that Paris is on the mend too. I love happy endings.
How many days total was she on the penicillin? I'd be tempted to keep her on for a full ten days, in case there's an infection lingering inside her. You'd hate for it to flare up again after all the work you've done with her... Maybe a half dose for a day or two...

I'm so glad to hear that she is doing so well. The only reason she is out foraging with her mates is because of all the dedicated care you gave her (and the blueberries, of course!). Excellent work!

The penicillin bottle says not to give more than 4 days, tops. The chickens rarely need the type AB course that humans do.

Blueberries are magic berries! I've had a hen hours from passing away, who refused to eat anything. Just the word "blueberries" made her raise her head and she ate two, the last thing she ever ate.
Hi Laura,
I gave her 0.75cc the first day in one dose.
I gave her 1.0cc the second day in one dose. (Then you arrived on the scene.)
I gave her 0.3cc about every twelve hours on the 3rd through 7th day. Today is day 8, and I didn't give her any Pen G today. She has been eating for two days, and having normal poops for more than 24 hours.

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