Our coop is done!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 5, 2010
K's Back 40
And it's about time - the sunroom was beginning to smell real bad!
They spent a couple of hours in the little run having a blast eating anything and everything.

We still have the nesting boxes to build, but they're only 6 weeks and we have a while.











Bernice is quite happy to be with the rest of her sisters (and 1 brother!) and so far they are getting along fine. We had to put them in the coop one at a time when it started getting too dark out. Everytime we got one in the coop, another would slip past and get in the run again!
They like it in the coop though, I just hope it is warm enough. It's supposed to get in the 40's and it was 50 in the sunroom.
The coop seems to retain a lot of heat from the day though, it was right toasty inside.
I think they'll be fine.

The sunroom however is a smelly wreck! We burned the boxes they had been living in, they were so disgusting!
Tomorrow I will be taking everything out of the room and then
getting the leaf blower and blasting the crud out of it.
There is pine shaving dust everywhere! and the smell......ugh!

I will be mopping and Lysoling too!



It's amazing how fast they grow and you think you are building their pen as fast as you can!
It looks great and I know you are happy to have that behind you.
Now on to eggs! May seem like it will take them a long time but just like this part of their life, it will go quickly and your grown up girls will be laying you some yum-yum breakfast!
I had to have 2 chicks in a box in my laundry room for a couple weeks and I couldn't believe the smell! At first it's all fun and cute and then immediately turns stinky! Congrats on finishing and getting your sunroom back!
Cool! Ours is framed and I sooo can not wait to put them in their final home. It's our spare bedroom and bathroom that fell victim to chickhood....shavings everywhere, the dust, and my favorite: the random poops when they didn't stay on their designated play area. ewww
Congrats, it looks great!
Sorry I haven't replied - been busy cleaning the sunroom and getting rid of the rooster, I think we have a buyer for Nigel, he's so sweet, but we just can't have a roo!
No more bloody toes since he's out of the coop also. The girls don't have as much to fight over I guess! lol

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