
My Girl's Eggs

Colored chicken eggs make me really happy.
These pictures were taken in my kitchen with an iPhone.

I have about 80 EE, FBCM, OE, Ameraucanas, Araucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Brahmas, Speckled Sussex, and Cuckoo Marans,
Colored chicken eggs make me CRAZY HAPPY! If your girl's are laying pretty eggs too, please say hello. I hope to meet others on here who are as into egg colors as I am. paul
That is truly stunning. Do you breed for the egg colors, or are you just lucky with the breeds you have?
I've been breeding 14 years, but just got serious about the colors about 18 months ago. I look for breeders and breeds based on egg color. In order to play with the patterns I need lots of girls laying specific colors. If I left the colors to chance, I wouldn't be able to.

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