
my new coop!

After reading about raising chicks and integrating them into the flock I decided to wire in my top roost that is not being used yet and use it as a brooder for my chicks that will arrive in a week or so. I have 2 Barred Rock, 2 Ridgeway White leghorns and 6 Buff Orpington Pullets coming. I can suspend another heat lamp from the ceiling for them and with 3 enclosed sides they should feel secure and yet be able to be raised right in the chicken coop. They can see all the activity and yet be safe. I will make a side door for access and NOT go in from the top. I have already raised 4 Road Island Reds and just had 2 Araucana join them. They were all raised in a tub in my house. I was concerned about my 2 little ones but I put them in the new pen along with the older hens and watched them carefully. I thought the pen being new to all of them would help. I also used the hint of hanging a cabbage to distract the larger hens from the two 6 week old chicks. By nightfall the R.I. Reds were snuggled with my 2 little Araucanas under the heat lamp and I have had no pecking at the little ones at all! I am so anxious to see how the pullets make out that I will raise right in the coop! Any suggestions about my brooder idea would be appreciated.

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