Recent content by alwaysb

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    EE Roo or Hen?

    We have two 7 week old EE chicks and I'm thinking one may be a cockerel. He/She has been slightly bigger than the rest of the chicks from day 2, has gotten these crazy feathers on it's legs, has a bigger comb than the other EE chick we have, and also has some pretty red feathers on him. Too...
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    Normal amount of eggs?

    Awesome system, thank you!
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    Normal amount of eggs?

    I think you're probably right. I'm trying to remember back to my first flock and I think we retired them (a friend of a friend took them to their acreage) when they were 3.
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    Normal amount of eggs?

    Apparently I didn't click 'save changes' when I changed my location when I signed up lol, oops . I'm in Western Washington in the United States. My hens have been giving me a low-no egg count for the last year or so. I did supplement light during the winter starting in January this year (we were...
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    Normal amount of eggs?

    Yes they do have a dish of oyster available and I also mix it with washed crushed egg shells. I make sure to toss out grit as well. They are contained in a run so they definitely aren't laying surprises anywhere :idunno
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    Normal amount of eggs?

    I have 5 laying hens (3 Easter Eggers and 2 Buff Orpingtons) that are 3 years old, and a Blue Australorp that is a year old and we're getting 1-2 eggs per day during spring and summer now. Does this sound normal? This is my second flock and I feel like our first flock we were always drowning in...
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