Recent content by Apachefarm

  1. Apachefarm

    Sour Crop?

    I have a hen with multiple issues. She has been limping around for some time now, when it first started and did a full body exam on her, I assumed she sprained her leg somehow. As for the full body check, nothing out of the ordinary, I checked her again last week, still nothing & still limping...
  2. Apachefarm

    Stopped Laying

    Have you ever seen a chickens eyes change colors?
  3. Apachefarm

    Stopped Laying

    Thank you! She has been the only one to stop laying, so I was freaking out.
  4. Apachefarm

    Stopped Laying

    Newbie chick mom here- I’ve had 12 chickens since March, three weeks ago my EE stop laying, assumed it was from lack of light? Last night she was sitting in a nesting box for quite a long time - no egg though. The really odd thing i noticed is that her eyes used to be brown , and now are red...
  5. Apachefarm

    Sore on foot

    I cleaned her feet off with a tooth brush.
  6. Apachefarm

    Sore on foot

    I noticed once of my gals has a small sore on the bottom of each foot, is this normal? I checked all the rest & no one else had this on bottom of foot
  7. Apachefarm

    Healthy Legs ?

    Do the scales look healthy ?
  8. Apachefarm

    Healthy Legs ?

    Barred Rock I believe
  9. Apachefarm

    Healthy Legs ?

    I noticed this evening some of my gals legs looked dirtier than others. I was them off and oiled them up. The first two pic are before cleaning and the second two are after. Does this look normal? Thanks
  10. Apachefarm

    Sick Chick - please help

    The brooder temp is 75... I have had the heat lamp off during the last two days, and turned it back on at night, as I am in MN and temps got to 30ish
  11. Apachefarm

    Sick Chick - please help

    Please help! My 6 week old chick started acting wierd last light. She is acting lethargic, and other chicks are stepping on her. This morning she will not stand up - I have isolated her. All the chicks have been fine, up until Friday one passed for no apparent reason. Any advice is greatly...
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