Recent content by ARTofGROWINchix

  1. ARTofGROWINchix

    15 Indoor Basement Birds

    frog - Thanks. I won't worry about it. And I am equally psyched about having chickens on Long Island. Planning on producing 85 eggs a week! scratch - I don't necessarily mind either way. I am worried about neighbors complaining when Rooster Boy makes noise though... I will keep you all...
  2. ARTofGROWINchix

    15 Indoor Basement Birds

    Both the chickens and myself cannot wait until spring! I'm sure they will be much happier... Question. It seems I've been sent a male Buff Orpington. His name is "Rooster Boy".. Since I was looking to produce only unfertilized eggs, about when should I begin to separate Rooster Boy from...
  3. ARTofGROWINchix

    15 Indoor Basement Birds

    Before anyone chimes in about human health or avian respiratory health, let me say that I am an HVAC technician and installer for many years and consider myself a true pro. I love what I do. I love tools. And I love building things. I purchased 5 Buff Orpingtons, 5 Barred Rock, and 5 Silver...
  4. ARTofGROWINchix

    Jan. Hatch A Long?

    What's your opinion on the best meat bird?
  5. ARTofGROWINchix

    Jan. Hatch A Long?

    We just got hit with a foot of snow and it's in the teens. I'm in eastern Long Island. It's supposed to warm up later this week into the upper 30's. I presume shipping eggs in this weather reduces hatching rate quite considerably... Maybe I will just have to wait until it warms up. I...
  6. ARTofGROWINchix

    Jan. Hatch A Long?

    P.S. Not looking for a handout. I will pay for them. Just looking for some experienced chicken growers that have good genetics.
  7. ARTofGROWINchix

    Jan. Hatch A Long?

    I'm looking to do my first hatch and would love to get down on this hatch a long. I'm in NY and need some eggs. I've been trying to source them locally to no avail. I've also browsed this websites buy, sell, trade section. If someone here has some good genetics to offer, I would take...
  8. ARTofGROWINchix

    New building for my birds

    WOW! Commercial chicken growers could learn a thing or two from you my friend! Love how clean your setup is and the fact that you got an air filter for them! LOVE THIS! But I would be tempted to just hang 15KW worth the HPS's and go to TOWN! The fact that you love your chickens that...
  9. ARTofGROWINchix

    Freedom Ranger backyard broilers - feed amount, feed conversion and growth

    Excuse my stupidity.... But what is a cockeral? Are all males roosters and will they all crow? Is there any way I can get only females? Will Freedom Rangers females always lay eggs if there is a rooster (I'm assuming this is any male chicken) is present? Do FR hens lay yummy edible eggs...
  10. ARTofGROWINchix

    Freedom Rangers

    WOW! What a great read! I am interested in having some of these Freedom Rangers for my first "meat run". I live in a densly populated suburb of NYC and therefore don not want any roosters. Is there anyway I can order only hens? How early can you tell the sex of these chickens? Can these...
  11. ARTofGROWINchix

    Hello from Omaha, NE!!

    Howdy FarmGirl! I'm new here as well and I can't wait to meet some knowlegeable famers such as yourself! I am a city boy and have been my whole life... But I'm tired of eating genetically modified foods (GMO's) and animals raised on GMO's... So I've decided to take matters into my own hands...
  12. ARTofGROWINchix

    Howdy from Long Island, NY!!!

    I am a brand new chicken grower! Never done this before but I am COMMITTED to learning! I live in a densly populated suburb of NYC. I checked my local ordinances and I'm allowed to keep up to 20 chickens! (no roosters) I want to grow my chickens for meat this spring/summer... I will be...
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