Jan. Hatch A Long?

You just love hatching don't you?

I have some eggs set aside so if I can replace my incy controller in the next couple days I may.

My current chicks would be under 4 weeks so they could go together.
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I am in.
Dark Brahmas, Silver laced Wyandotte, some specialty colored Brahmas. am not even sure what color they will be it is a secret surprise from me I can't wait to see what colors I get.. and Rhodebars (that got damaged in mail,4 eggs were broken so the rest are upright to try to stabilize the air cells Not sure if they can repair themselves . I would appreciate any advice from anyone else who had similar damage . I will let them sit upright for about 2 days before trying to do any turning.) and then a few of my own farm blend eggs. 63 eggs
Yes ChickenCanoe, I love it! I got my EE eggs in the mail today. They came from GA. clear over here to Utah, they didn't feel too cold. I am going to set them tonight since it was a three day trip.

garden, I also have some Rhodebars coming! I am having the toughest time getting a good hatch this year. This is my third try. I only got two with the NYD hatch a long. I hope my eggs come in good shape. :/ Good luck, we will have to watch and see how they do after you let them set like that for a while. Sounds like a good idea. I know a lot of folks like to let them sit upright without turning for a few days.

I have the Rhodebars coming, and some Buff Orpingtons. Not sure why I thought I might want some Buff Orpingtons..only that I hear they can make a good broody. I don't have a LF broody possiblity yet. So, that would be good if she went broody in the fall.

These eggs that came today look good. Will candle tomorrow night to see if I can see any bullseyes. Then wait until day 4 to peek again for veining, Then I leave them alone for a while. :) I get a pretty good idea as to how many will do well by doing this.
I'm looking to do my first hatch and would love to get down on this hatch a long.

I'm in NY and need some eggs. I've been trying to source them locally to no avail.

I've also browsed this websites buy, sell, trade section.

If someone here has some good genetics to offer, I would take them. Looking for 3 egg hens and 3 meat birds.

I have a place indoors until the spring and I want to get a head start.

If not, I'm still trying to find some to pop this month...

Just putting it out there.
P.S. Not looking for a handout. I will pay for them. Just looking for some experienced chicken growers that have good genetics.

How is the weather out there? Are you guys one that are getting hit hard with the snow and cold? Might be hard to get eggs with you where you are? Good luck..any particular breed you like?
We just got hit with a foot of snow and it's in the teens. I'm in eastern Long Island. It's supposed to warm up later this week into the upper 30's.

I presume shipping eggs in this weather reduces hatching rate quite considerably...

Maybe I will just have to wait until it warms up.

I feel like the problem is where I live very few people are taking the initiative to grow their own food. So it's hard to source live chickens...

I've got my eye set on some New Hampshire Reds, but they are currently unavailable from Meyer Hatchery (which is where I'm planning to purchase from).

I have a nice area in my basement that is clean and ready to be set up for a nice little coop until it warms up in the spring.

I also have 1600 watts (4 X 400) worth of MH aircooled hoods which I'm using to grow veggies. And a 1KW grow tent for berries.

Want to produce as much of my own food as possible.
Hello, just finished the NYD Hatch-a-Long. Getting ready to set another batch.

Had to make some calibrations to my 2nd incubator, so need to try it out.

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