Recent content by Brady bunch

  1. Brady bunch

    My First Broody!

    You have very pretty hens. :love
  2. Brady bunch

    My First Broody!

    When we had a broody we isolated her for about a day and let her in the coop at night.
  3. Brady bunch

    My First Broody!

    I love your hens!!:love:love
  4. Brady bunch

    Do Chickens Like the Rain?

    How old are they? It is pretty normal. Our chickens will go in their covered pen to get out of the rain. If this is their first year experiencing snow they may be afraid.:oops:
  5. Brady bunch

    Chicken harness?

    Good. Based on my personal experience. :lau:oops:
  6. Brady bunch

    Look what we caught in our trap....

    I heard that those things are a major threat to chickens/ducks. Make extra sure that at night there is no leftover food.
  7. Brady bunch

    Chicken harness?

    Make sure they don’t have poop on their feet when you put them on your shoulder. :)
  8. Brady bunch

    Chicken harness?

    Chicken harnesses aren’t good for chickens of any size. While they may seem cute and a good idea, the chickens don’t really enjoy them.
  9. Brady bunch

    My chick doesn’t like to be held

    Just give him or her time to adjust. :jumpy
  10. Brady bunch

    Cyprus' Chat Thread

  11. Brady bunch

    Cyprus' Chat Thread

    Who had to clean it up?:lol::oops:
  12. Brady bunch

    Runt and/or sick hen?

    Oof. How fast can they spread?:oops:
  13. Brady bunch

    Cyprus' Chat Thread

    I had it once before because I was at my friends house and she was lactose intolerant. I may have thrown up. :rolleyes: :sick
  14. Brady bunch

    Runt and/or sick hen?

    We checked her and she doesn’t have worms. I will put in some fun stuff for them to play on.
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