Recent content by Britestarione

  1. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    Merry, Spring is here in California. My daffodils have come and gone. Our fruit trees have blossomed and this morning I picked some strawberries. Wish I could send some spring to you. It wonderful. Earlenne
  2. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    Deb, Thanks so much. We found the hen. Rather my daughter did. It was on her porch steps. Seems the 2 y/o Lab that I knew would kill a chicken brought it home. She is my daughters dog. My daughter does computer workshops and had one for this week end. A woman and her young daughter were just...
  3. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    My two chickens are DEAD!!! I had a Plymouth Rock rooster that was in rehab after being beat up by another rooster. I called him Joey. And then the RIR hen that I had just put Blue Kote on in a pasture across from the house and next to the barn. I guess when I put the Blue Kote on the hen I...
  4. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    Yikes! That was an experience! That stuff must sting. She was fine to be picked up, but once I started putting it on, she went crazy. I don't know who got the most of it ....her or me. I didn't get to finish and now she won't have a thing to do with me. I think I will wait a couple days to see...
  5. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    Well folks, here I go, dobber in hand. The hen I have in rehab actually asks to be picked up so she should be easy. The others I will do at night when they are on the roost. I will keep you all posted. And I thank you for all your help. Earlenne Sunny Calif. Gold Country
  6. Britestarione

    Egg eater- help please

    I had this problem until the lady at the feed store told me to put some golf balls in the egg boxs. If they try to peck a golf ball it doesn't work so it seems to solve the problem. When I do have this problem it is usually when I have let the eggs in the box too long. ef
  7. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    Justusnak, I have bought a product called Blue Kote. I haven't used it yet because it says on the bottle"For use on horses and dogs" Do you think it is the same thing. I asked for a product that was used for chickens and this is what they got for me. I could get it in a spray or liquid with a...
  8. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    Justusnak, That sounds like the kind of info I am looking for. Thanks a lot. ef
  9. Britestarione

    RIR rooster: unprovoked attack>>>

    I am so sorry that after 2 years you got flogged. I have had 2 such roosters. One I think an owl ate one night and I really didn't miss him. The other was a real beauty... a Lakenvelder and he started on me the day he started to crow. My legs were a mess and that was through jeans. I started to...
  10. Britestarione

    Extreme loss of feathers

    I have 20 one year old hens. I did have 5 roosters in with them. Three week ago I was finally able to find a home for 4 of them and only have one in there now. I think that was way too many roosters and that accounted for their loss of feathers, Many of them have most of there backs exposed...
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