Extreme loss of feathers

My two chickens are DEAD!!! I had a Plymouth Rock rooster that was in rehab after being beat up by another rooster. I called him Joey. And then the RIR hen that I had just put Blue Kote on in a pasture across from the house and next to the barn. I guess when I put the Blue Kote on the hen I didn't chain the gate. I can not believe I did that. They must have gotten out. We have 6 dogs. Two are my daughters who lives just down the road. They are 2y/o Labs and I know that one of them will kill chickens. I have 2 papered Labs and one mix plus a Yorkshire Terrier. The Yorkie goes with me in the coop so I don't think she would kill them. We found Joey dead in the Olive Orchard and I haven't found the hen. I think she probably was chased over to the neighbors. The grass there is so high and we have rattlers so we didn't look over there.

I wrapped Joey in a towel and we buried him in the back pasture. He was too nice of a rooster to just put in the garbage.

This is really hard for me to write. Who could believe you could get so broken up over a dead chicken. I will really miss them. They had become very special. I guess because of all the care I have been giving them....... then to do something as stupid as not chaining the gate.

Earlenne.........I am so VERY sorry for your loss. :aww I have been through this very thing. Last spring I rescued a RIR roo....he had a bad leg, and was pretty sick. After he was well...I bought him 3 ladies.....then 15 babies.....When the roos I got later, were older, they would pick on Ollie something terrible. Well...my idea was to let him free roam, and sleep on the porch. This went well for several months, untill one day we went out to find feathers....everywhere. I felt really HORRIBLE...but just know....you gave them a great life....and they know they were loved!

Thanks so much. We found the hen. Rather my daughter did. It was on her porch steps. Seems the 2 y/o Lab that I knew would kill a chicken brought it home. She is my daughters dog. My daughter does computer workshops and had one for this week end. A woman and her young daughter were just arriving when they found the dead chicken. Some welcome. My daughter said she took care of the chicken and I trust she did. The lady said she thought maybe it was some kind of country welcome.

You have been such a help for me. I really thank you.

So sorry for what happened to your 2 chickens. I always feel terrible when I find a dead hen or rooster. Getting back to the blukote, Thanks for the nail polishe remover tip. I will try that next time. I got up early this morning and sprayed about 4 hens butts and backs and didn't get any on me. I got smart this time and wore vinyl gloves, but thank you for the tip of putting them upside down. It worked. I was able to get a larger area. As I tipped them upside down, I apololgized to them and as I held their legs, I rested their head on the floor, gave a quick spray and layed their legs down. They got up completley calm and unscared. So much better than chasing around the pen or holding up close and spraying myself! Now, how often can I safely spray them? Once a week? Merry
merryreader....yes, once a week is safe...I spray my little pancake(white hen) about every 4 or 5 days. She is healing pretty well...but I think with her being white, and I let them free roam, it helps with her camoflage! LOL

Britestarione I am so very sorry that your hen would be found that way. Just dont blame yourself. Maybe you can look into getting the spray...my hens do not act like it hurts them at all. You can use the dauber on the dogs tho....for wounds.
For the back of the head feather loss, I put a little quit pick on my finger and rub it in. I'm always afraid to get anything in their eyes. I think the blukote is cold since I keep it out in the coop, I really don't think it stings. I have cuts on my fingers and they don't sting. It's one of those things that has to be done to maintain safety for the picked hens. Oh, where is Spring, so they can roam around and not be so confined???? We got another 4" of snow last night!! Merry

Spring is here in California. My daffodils have come and gone. Our fruit trees have blossomed and this morning I picked some strawberries. Wish I could send some spring to you. It wonderful.


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