Recent content by brunettedixie

  1. brunettedixie

    why are my 26 week old chickens not laying?

    A lot of times, chickens just take longer to start laying. There are a few things that would help the girls out. Do they have boxes that they can lay their eggs in? Chickens need a private place that's safe to lay. You can put plastic Easter eggs in their boxes (filled with a little sand to add...
  2. brunettedixie

    HELP!! 12 week old chick attacked by dogs

    When I was cleaning and administrating neosporin to her wounds, she ate a bit of chopped up boiled egg, but nothing after that. I guess I'll stop trying to get her to eat like ya'll said and let her get some rest. She really didnt like sitting in her box and hopped up on my bed. She seems to...
  3. brunettedixie

    HELP!! 12 week old chick attacked by dogs

    My little 12 week old barred rock was attacked by a bunch of little, chicken killing neighbor dogs today. She's got a bad open wound underneath her wing that I put neosporin on an hour or so ago. She seems so out of it. She won't sit or lie down. All she does is stand still (in the box I made up...
  4. brunettedixie

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Your Roos are beautiful!
  5. brunettedixie

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    One of my buff Orpington chicks, Dixie. I bought 3 (2 hens and a roo), and ended up with 2 hens and 2 Roos. The boys are best friends and they all love to be held!
  6. brunettedixie

    Earliest Sign Eggs Are Developing?

    Candle them!
  7. brunettedixie

    Why did they attack it?

    I'm glad they're doing okay!
  8. brunettedixie

    Why did they attack it?

    Unfortunately, it's not entirely uncommon for chicks to do stuff like that. They're kind of cannibals sometimes I know tractor supply has a spray that reduces cannibalism! Hope your little guy gets better :)
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