Recent content by busymama11

  1. busymama11

    sick rooster, please help!

    If he got something moldy it would have to be from within the feeder that I cant see (i currently have them out for a good cleaning just in case) OR we missed an old cucumber or something on the ground. Today he has been up standing normally. We have him in a rabbit hutch away from everyone...
  2. busymama11

    sick rooster, please help!

    yes, marek's is definitely in the back of my mind. the thing is, where his tractor is located is not on the ground my other chickens were 4 years ago. what about botulism? it is another thing i've come across that could lead to paralysis of legs. i'm not really sure what either looks like...
  3. busymama11

    sick rooster, please help!

    not sure what is going on. He's a cuckoo maran, 16-18 weeks old. About a week ago my mother in law left me a note that he was acting funny, that is all it said. I checked on him and he was fine has been fine for days. She said he was stumbling around and couldn't keep his balance. Today he...
  4. busymama11

    what are the symptoms of an internal layer?

    my girl still isn't laying. my other one was laying rubber eggs, but today she laid one with a really thin shell--hoping she's on the mend but still worried about goldie. no egg in a week and she's just moping around. still eating OK and drinking...
  5. busymama11

    chicken laying egg with no shell, just membrane...

    hi, i posted over in emergencies earlier today, but thought i could possibly get a better response here. our weather has been kinda overcast and rainy off and on the past week, as well as really HOT and humid. yesterday my 2 hens (rhode island reds) did not lay, but that evening when i went...
  6. busymama11

    Lethargic Hen....any suggestions?

    ok, i searched for internal layer and didn't find much info. do you think it could be that or eggbound? still no egg from either hen this morning, very odd. they each lay one egg each day early in the morning. she is still lethargic and her poo has gotten much runnier. i'm really at a loss...
  7. busymama11

    Lethargic Hen....any suggestions?

    Ok, so i went out to check her and took some feed with me. She has no interest in eating at all. she pooped while i was down there and it was runny-ish....very runny white stuff with a really wet but solid black/brown clump. no discoloration of comb or droopy wings. she will not let me touch...
  8. busymama11

    Lethargic Hen....any suggestions?

    I will give you the info I have...I haven't personally been out to see her this AM b/c i'm suffering from morning sickness and a migraine, but my mother in law has. I'll be on my way out to see her in a minute. Rhode Island Red hen a little over a year old, has only been laying eggs for about...
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