Recent content by ChickAdoooo

  1. ChickAdoooo

    I think my chick is sick

    Sadly she isn't cold, she is sick I don't know what she's sick with but she is sick. She will only drink water but she is a little better than yesterday.
  2. ChickAdoooo

    I think my chick is sick

    This morning when I went out to feed my chicks I noticed one was acting strange, she was walking around slowly while fluffed up, so I assumed she was cold until it got warm out and she had began hiding in the corner while closing her eyes. All she does is drink. I don't know if her crop was...
  3. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    Y'all were right, it didn't hatch :hmm but someone did yesterday! And I have eggs that have to go on lockdown today!! :):)
  4. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    Welp next time i'll bring it in and turn the one in my room off. Thanks for the help!!
  5. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    Well the next eggs I incubate i'll bring them in
  6. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    I would put it inside but i'm not allowed to because, somehow dehumidifiers are more important than chicks.
  7. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    Yes the incubator is outside I just have the heat a little higher then 37.5 since it's cold.
  8. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    Awwwww I hope your chickies hatch!! And i'll tell you if anything happens.
  9. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    I'm using a Janoel12 incubator, I was looking for movement but I didn't really get to see much, and it's been quite cold and wet, it's even been cold inside! And we also run a dehumidifier, so I don't bring them in all the time. But if there is a live chick do you think it could be in the wrong...
  10. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    I have upped the humidity. The chick is a silkie/egger mix.
  11. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    Thanks for the welcome! I'll be sure to update you!
  12. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    Thank you! This relieved some of my stress. If you'd like I could update you on the little eggy.
  13. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    I need help! Tomorrow I need to lockdown an egg (there were more but they were duds) but, it looks like it has no veins. Please help! ( It's my first time incubating eggs, sorry if nothing is wrong. Also sorry for terrible pictures)
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