I think my chick is sick


In the Brooder
Dec 4, 2019
This morning when I went out to feed my chicks I noticed one was acting strange, she was walking around slowly while fluffed up, so I assumed she was cold until it got warm out and she had began hiding in the corner while closing her eyes. All she does is drink. I don't know if her crop was empty beforehand as there waterer still had water in it from yesterday. Her crop is squishy but I don't know if it's from the water she drank or food from yesterday. She is the only one acting this way and, she is 10 weeks old
Sadly she isn't cold, she is sick I don't know what she's sick with but she is sick. She will only drink water but she is a little better than yesterday.
I agree with you... she is either having crop blockage or slow issues OR coccidiosis...

The drinking kinda indicates crop issue more so.

Did you get to check it last night before sleeping and again this morning before any food or water consumption?

How long have you had her? Where did she come form? How long have they been outdoors? Was she vaccinated for Marek's?

Adding your general location to your profile can help folks make their best suggestions possible at a glance. ;)

What are you currently feeding including treats and supplements? How big is your flock, all the same age? How much space? You said cool this morning, what's your day time highs right now.. also raining or... ? Just trying to get a solid picture please.

ETA: :fl

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