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  • Oh, and we are all doing well! Lollie got a hair cut a couple weeks ago. He was looking like a floor mop there for a while. Ha! Chickens are doing well. Getting lots of eggs these days! Hope you are too!! See you later Bella!! :)
    Hello Bella! Aww....You and Henry are just adorable!! :)
    The chickens will sure love an expanded run, won't they?! How is the weather up there? Nice today. We had a nice rain the other day. May get more rain tonight.
    Enjoy the run expansion! Send pics when you get them!!
    Have a lovely evening Bella!! :)
    Ha ha, I'm glad your flock is enjoying the warm weather!
    I'm doing fine, just a little worried, I'm going to mail out my first batch of hatching eggs tomorrow, and I'm hoping it gets there safely! Have a great evening Bella!
    Sorry about the cold. :/ I'm doing fine, but a little tired from staying up to late. My flock is doing well, and my chicks are growing like weeds. It's been really warm here, (80F's), and sunny up until today, and now we're supposed to get some rain. I'm glad your getting some warmer weather, too bad about the hail storm though.
    Have a great day, I hope the warm weather get's up there soon!
    Good morning Bella! Oh I love your profile pic!! So very pretty! :) Thanks for all those pics of Duluth! Looks like you had a great time. I am sorry to hear you have a cold! *HUGS* I hate being sick. I sure hope you feel better soon. :) Poor Lollie would probably die of heart break if I left him with someone. LOL I am glad Henry did well while you were gone. He must have been ecstatic to see that you came home!! Ha! Yes, these babies sure do miss us when we are gone. Well, feel better soon Bella and I hope you have a lovely day today!! :)
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