Recent content by ChickenDisaster

  1. ChickenDisaster

    When is the best time to get chicks?

    :)Okay, thank you
  2. ChickenDisaster

    Bedtime Blunders

    A family friend had this problem. Their solution was to put a plank of wood or whatever you can find, and put it in the door so that the bantams could get in but the bigger chickens couldn’t. Of course they might still fit because they aren’t full size, but it might work.
  3. ChickenDisaster

    When is the best time to get chicks?

    So the batch of new chicks I’m getting will arrive around the end of July to August. I’m thinking that by the time I should introduce them to being outside/ putting them in the coop it will be colder out. Being that I live in New York, is it a smart idea to get chicks around that time or should...
  4. ChickenDisaster

    Best Chickens Breeds

    Thank you guys for the help! The final list is: 2 Salmon Faverolles, 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks, 2 Buff Brahmas and 2 Easter Eggers!
  5. ChickenDisaster

    Best Chickens Breeds

    My list is: Faverolles, Orpington, Easter Egger, Brahma, Wyandotte and Barred Rock. Are there any specifically that you would knock off the list? The maximum I’m ready for is 8 (chickens), but I’m planning on 2 birds per breed.
  6. ChickenDisaster

    Best Chickens Breeds

    I live in NY, so I’d say a hardy bird. Eggs aren't a necessity, though they are nice, but my neighbors have small kids who visit a lot so I’m leaning more towards docile and sweet/friendly.
  7. ChickenDisaster

    Best Chickens Breeds

    Despite having down my research, I still prefer the tried-and-true method of things. Being fairly new to chickens, I was wondering if somebody could recommend some breeds for me.
  8. ChickenDisaster

    Need help naming a trio...

    What about Ed, Edd and Eddy? There’s also the three little pigs, the three bears (Goldie locks), or Harry Ron & Hermione?
  9. ChickenDisaster

    Need help naming a trio...

    The power puff girls, Alvin and the chipmunks, the fairy godmothers from Sleeping Beauty, Snap Crackle & POP would be my top picks.
  10. ChickenDisaster

    Am I imagining it? - chickens prep for count

    When I had counted my chicks/chickens they always did that same thing. I think it’s just the movement of your hand that they’re looking at.
  11. ChickenDisaster

    Can chickens be depressed?

    Thank you guys for the help, it was most definitely needed!
  12. ChickenDisaster

    Can chickens be depressed?

    So recently a dog attacked and killed 6 of my 7 5 week old chicks. The seventh one just turned up today (2 days later) and I’m kind of worried about her. She’s eating and drinking and is missing a few feathers she had on her wings/neck. But should I get new chicks so she won’t be lonely or...?
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