Recent content by Country4ever

  1. Country4ever

    Did she just die of old age?

    Did she just die of old age? Lead[-] Posts: 4021 44 minutes ago I started out with 17 hens over 12 years ago (12 years 2 mos). They slowly died off of various things. Ever since May, Kiwi was the last one left. She's an easter egger. I was afraid she'd be lonely, but fortunately, she...
  2. Country4ever

    Hen's Abdomen Like a Giant Water Balloon Ready to Pop....

    There's no way of knowing what's causing it..........could be from a heart-failure type thing or a liver problem, cancer, etc. I had a hen who had this and I would drain her about ever 3-4 months over about 7 years! I watched the avian vet do it the first time, and was just very careful. I...
  3. Country4ever

    8 wk old pullet injured by fox - Survived and walking - 9 days!

    Sometimes after an attack, they are just shocked and stunned for awhile. Hopefully, she'll recover fully. But don't be surprised if she is traumatized for quite awhile. Are you able to protect your chickens from another fox attack? The fox knows where they are now. Good luck!
  4. Country4ever

    GRAPHIC PHOTO: What is wrong with my hen's vent?

    Sorry for your loss. :( If it happens again in another hen, you might try using a piece of a preparation H suppository, to help decrease the swelling in that area.
  5. Country4ever

    Breed and age of this beautiful rooster?

    A friend of mine found this guy wandering about in the woods. I could use a little help identifying it's breed and a guestimation on it's age (if that's possible). Thanks!
  6. Country4ever

    Curious Found Rooster

    A friend of mine in another state was in the woods/field one day while helping her husband farm, and happened upon a rooster (in the middle of nowhere). I have chickens (no roosters), so I'm not familiar with identifying roosters, but her's looks something like an English Game bird, or a...
  7. Country4ever

    do chickens get hiccups?

    Sometimes chickens can get a little something caught in their throats and it swells a little and they can sound this way. Hopefully it will go away soon.
  8. Country4ever

    When they get old...........

    Thanks ChickenCanoe and MrsBrooke.
  9. Country4ever

    When they get old...........

    It's very sad. I don't euthanize my sick/old chickens. I just keep them comfortable. My 2 out of the original 17 hens have lived to be almost 12 years old. Last year, one of them developed a limp. I took her to an avian vet and they took xrays, and they weren't sure, but it looked like a...
  10. Country4ever

    Year old hen has never laid and is acting strange

    What does her abdomen feel like? What does her vent look like? It sounds like something is amiss with her egg-laying. Might be good for you to separate her in a crate, so you can see if she eats and poops.
  11. Country4ever

    Preparing for one lone chicken..........

    Thanks so much shorttimer. Your words were a good reminder for me that the one left behind might still sense a loss. I will spend more time with her. I've grieved each time every one of the other 15 died. Thanks again!
  12. Country4ever

    Preparing for one lone chicken..........

    I got my 17 chickens 12 years ago this coming June. Through various accidents and illnesses, I lost 15 of them over the years. Now I'm down to 2. But one of them is getting sick. She has had a bad limp for a year, but was doing fine in spite of it. When I took her to the exotic vet's office...
  13. Country4ever

    Dead Chicken- What to do?????

    Sorry for your loss. Sometimes they just die, and we never know why. I've had several do that. They were totally healthy appearing, then dead in the morning. I've usually decided they broke their necks, falling/jumping of the roost.
  14. Country4ever

    Anyone ever put feathers in a shadow box or frame?

    I eventually want to do this. I started out with 17 chickens 11+ years ago and am down to 2. I have saved feathers all along. I would like to put 17 feathers, fanned out in a frame/shadow box. Have any of you ever done that? Any pointers/tips? Thanks.
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