Recent content by COURT3800

  1. COURT3800

    N ORLANDO FL - 3 Buff Orp Hens - Pick up only

    I have three lovely buff orpington hens that I must sell ($10 each) to someone able to give them a good home. They are a little over a year old and are consistent layers of nice brown eggs. I am a soon to be mom in school and working full time and I simply don't have the time to give them...
  2. COURT3800

    Chicken out law

    I live in a small town in Central Florida specifically known for its quaint downtown area with FREERANGING CHICKENS - and yet - residental zoning prevents us from having them 1/2 a mile away from this downtown area!! Oh well, I have nine! I chose Buff Orps as I heard they were quiet and so far...
  3. COURT3800

    New PVC chicken tractor, just finished!

    Yeah, it seems like confinement might be tough in places with heat like Florida - I think the cross breeze seems to help my girls, though I'm sure those w/ indoor coops have great cooling systems worked out. Also, I didn't know they made zip ties that resist sun wear. I know that the PVC will...
  4. COURT3800

    New PVC chicken tractor, just finished!

    Wow, good questions! I attached the wire using zip ties (like 200+ of them!) and screws and PVC glue to hold the PVC together, and bungee cords to hold the tarps on. I fully shaded the tractor as it's 95 degrees in the afternoon here in Florida and is raining every day (I've read several posts...
  5. COURT3800

    New PVC chicken tractor, just finished!

    Hi all, I'm a newbie chicken owner, but just finished building my first chicken tractor yesterday. Found lots of great ideas on the forum and online and thought I'd share the results!! Old temporary chicken home New Chicken Tractor, just finished yesterday! Inside the new tractor: The girls...
  6. COURT3800

    Sick Chicks - can't diagnose!!

    They're buff orps from Randall Burkey and calling them is a great idea, thanks!
  7. COURT3800

    Sick Chicks - can't diagnose!!

    No, because they are penned and the fence is too tall for them to get over yet. I thought it could be the camphor tree that hangs over the pen, but after some research no one lists camphor as poisonous to chickens and I've removed all the leaves and seeds. I don't know where to go to get feed...
  8. COURT3800

    Sick Chicks - can't diagnose!!

    food looks perfect - and this has happened right through three bags of food from two different feed stores
  9. COURT3800

    Sick Chicks - can't diagnose!!

    Thank you so much I will take out all shavings, and start them on the vitamin/electrolyte blend right now!
  10. COURT3800

    Sick Chicks - can't diagnose!!

    They are on a commercial starter - 20% protein. They were on medicated starter for the first 2 weeks. They were vaccinated for maerk's. They were on pine shavings for first two weeks - aspen is just more readily available and has no oils/scent, & doesn't seem dusty, but I'll switch back to...
  11. COURT3800

    Sick Chicks - can't diagnose!!

    Hi all, My first time raising chicks, and I might have sick chicks (and the chicken health handbook is not helping with diagnosis!!) My chicks are 3 weeks old, and I have already lost one. The chick I lost died at around 5 days. She was gasping and was having convulsions - flipping around...
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