Recent content by cucco_luvr

  1. cucco_luvr

    Chicken's skin is falling off ?! Wound infection ? (graphic image)

    Thank you! The wound scabbed over which I think is a good sign, the peroxide must've helped. We cleaned it again today too, and plan on stopping by Wilco to see if we can find ointment or antibiotic cream. And I'll switch to an iodine or saline solution, I just wanted to treat her asap so I used...
  2. cucco_luvr

    Chicken's skin is falling off ?! Wound infection ? (graphic image)

    While I was holding my lap chicken, my husband who was sitting next to me decides to check under her wing for no particular reason. We found this gaping wound covered in what I'm guessing is dirt mixed with blood and decay. It made me queasy, its like her skin is actually falling off because...
  3. cucco_luvr

    Help me guess the breed!

    oh right! Mm sorta beige, sometimes with a hint of green. I believe they were bought from Wilco.
  4. cucco_luvr

    Help me guess the breed!

    Can anyone please help me guess what breed of hen this is? These are a year and a half years old and lay almost everyday! They’re also pretty docile, even though I’m not the one that raised ‘em they let me hold them sometimes and the rooster loves em. Also please don’t mind the messy feathers...
  5. cucco_luvr

    Molting chicken!

    My hens just molted about a month ago and she’s fully feathered again (: i was a bit surprised as well, especially since it goes down 20-30 degrees. Which granted isn’t as cold as other flocks endure. But anyways they did fine and are continuing to lay eggs every 1-2 days. We don’t even use...
  6. cucco_luvr

    Is my golden bovan a cockerel?

    Huh, well that was pretty straight forward. Thanks for explaining! I’m so excited to raise a rooster from a chick.
  7. cucco_luvr

    Is my golden bovan a cockerel?

    Disclaimer, I’m new to the site so please correct me if I mess something up! It’s not important that we know it’s gender, I’m just super curious and find it exciting to figure it out. A while ago I picked up two Golden Bovans from Wilco, both are now almost 9 weeks old. Even though I’ve never...
  8. cucco_luvr


    Nice to meet y’all, my name’s Briana! My husband and I just started raising poultry a couple months ago... well it was definitely new to me, not so much for him. We don’t have a farm, it’s more of a homestead. Just casual laying birds. Still it’s been quite the learning experience! I love my...
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