Recent content by cyndiscof

  1. cyndiscof

    chicken fleas

    I recently got rid of all of my chickens except one old hen and one turkey hen because the fleas were torturing ME! I treated my chickens several times and the fleas would come back. Finally I got rid of the chickens, except Loretta and Gravy. I haven't seen fleas for quite a while and I'm...
  2. cyndiscof

    Waiting on last egg to hatch

    I had 39 eggs in my hovabator. I think 3 are no good. 35 have hatched and the last one doesn't even have a pip. There is a live chick in it. I want to do something! Has anyone ever pip-started an egg?
  3. cyndiscof

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    My chickens' names.... Loretta Pancho Lefty Elvis Honey Sefeed Cheshmay Twinny Thelma Louise Gladys
  4. cyndiscof

    What happened to my hen?

    I found a hen 5 or 6 days ago, acting like her foot or leg was broken. Flopping around on the ground, She was trying to walk on it upside down with the toes facing backward. She would lay with her whole leg stretched behind her. I taped the foot in the correct position and put her in a small...
  5. cyndiscof

    Setting Duck?

    I found a nest of 9 duck eggs today in the chicken house. They're in the corner behind a laying box. Do you think the duck will set on them? Are ducks good setters?
  6. cyndiscof

    Duck or Chicken Egg?

    They are a mix, I don't remember what kind. I bought 3 young ducks and the man gave me 7 blue eggs. One hatched.
  7. cyndiscof

    Duck or Chicken Egg?

    I have young hens (chickens and ducks) and have gathered some eggs that I thought were chicken, but when I washed them they felt very slick. Much different than the rest of the eggs. They are almost white, and I expected the duck eggs to be blue, and the chicken eggs to be brown????? They are...
  8. cyndiscof

    pipped egg

    External. I pulled some of the shell away. The papery membrane is completely pulled away from the shell on that end. I've not seen that before in chicken eggs. But I saw a spot of blood so I quit. I'm waiting now. I started with 7 eggs and only one was good. I want this duck!!!
  9. cyndiscof

    pipped egg

    My duck egg has been pipped for over 24 hours now. It's alive, I can hear it but no progress on cracking the egg. Should I help it?
  10. cyndiscof

    Comment by 'cyndiscof' in item 'Hova Bator Egg Incubator 1602N with Circulated Air Fan Kit'

    I bought a hova bator with egg turner included, but I added a fan. I put 21 eggs in from my little flock, not expecting them to all be fertile. I ended taking six out after candeling, nothing there. The other 15 were fertile and growing, and I have 15 chicks now! I added warm water with a...
  11. cyndiscof


    I only have one turkey. She acts normal, wants to eat and wants to get out of the cage I put her in. The chickens want to pick at her butt. I squirted betadine solution on it, she didn't like that. Then I man handled her into the cage. It was dark but she layed another egg yesterday. It...
  12. cyndiscof

    My babies are hatching!

    10 now! Only one egg hasn't pipped. Didn't mean to post the last pic! Cupcake got tired and needed a lift! :)
  13. cyndiscof

    BR Rooster?

    His legs are yellow. Not feathered.
  14. cyndiscof

    My babies are hatching!

    Today's the day! Day 21 and so far six out of fifteen have hatched! They are all black so far. 4 BR and a BCM/BR and a green egg/BR. Not sure what to call the last one. More to come. I'm so excited every time, it never gets old or ordinary to me!
  15. cyndiscof

    BR Rooster?

    This is a real BR Rooster isn't it?
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