Recent content by dcphotos

  1. dcphotos

    So I have a baby Roo living in the house, and it's time to meet Dad.

    An update on the Chirpy situation. I have let him out in the coop 3 times now. He hops up on the roost and Elmo rounds all the hens up in the corner and they stay away but squawk at him. Every now and then he gets down and runs around and winds up getting attacked. He can't live in the bathtub...
  2. dcphotos

    So I have a baby Roo living in the house, and it's time to meet Dad.

    I let Chirpy run for a while this past weekend. He was amazed the first time he saw the outside world. His mom was the biggest antagonist, but for the most part Elmo rounded the hens into the run, chirpy hopped up the nest box and the hens stayed outside and raised heck for an hour. I've never...
  3. dcphotos

    Again, what do I put in the chicken run?

    We have had excessive rain here this year and it's made it difficult to keep the my chicken's dry. I use hay though. All I can say about what I've read is I might avoid sawdust if you are composting. I read that absorbs nitrogen in your soil and does not make for good fertilizer.
  4. dcphotos

    So I have a baby Roo living in the house, and it's time to meet Dad.

    Yeah that comb is already 3 times bigger than that month-old photo also. I think what I might do is take him outside and let him go in there and hang out for a little while, then I'll take him back in the house. Interesting thing, Chirpy has never seen another chicken before. He loves to be...
  5. dcphotos

    So I have a baby Roo living in the house, and it's time to meet Dad.

    I got an incubator as a birthday gift in December, and on Christmas an egg hatched. The resulting chick was named "Chirpy" and he has grown amazingly fast. He started life in a bird box my wife brought home from her vet clinic(shes a small animal vet), then he went to living in a large bathtub...
  6. dcphotos

    HELP! I have a chick and don't know what to do with it.

    It's harder to get him to hold still for a photo too. I was trying to get him to pose next to the egg again for a size comparison, but he kept running towards me and a moment after this was taken he stomped it.
  7. dcphotos

    HELP! I have a chick and don't know what to do with it.

    So far Chirpy is still the only one to hatch. I am completely amazed at how fast he has grown, it is unbelievable! This is an update photo at 25 days since hatch: Looks like a rooster. I hope he will be able to get along and be accepted when it's time to go outside this spring. I don't have...
  8. dcphotos

    PROFESSIONALLY Photograph your chicks for under $2.00!

    That's what they say, but I don't know. I shoot everything raw and send them in the right color space, I have no complaints. I do like the nikon ttl remote flash though. What kind of shooting do you do? I have a public relations job, which is a good mix with my background in commercial and...
  9. dcphotos

    PROFESSIONALLY Photograph your chicks for under $2.00!

    I shoot Nikon, but consider both a means to an end and don't consider one better than the other. The photos of my new little guy were shot with a D300.
  10. dcphotos

    HELP! I have a chick and don't know what to do with it.

    And I bet a professional photo shoot takes some planning, doesn't it? GREAT photos. Naw not really. I just threw him on top of the washing machine and setup two flashes, it was a five minute project before he went back in his little bird brooder thing. Hopefully today I'll get some more. He...
  11. dcphotos

    PROFESSIONALLY Photograph your chicks for under $2.00!

    I shot this one on a black piece of paper on top of our washing machine. I used two small camera flashes triggered with wireless remotes(available on eBay). One flash is to the left of the camera and is bounced out of an umbrella, the other is behind and to the right of little Chirpy and has a...
  12. dcphotos

    HELP! I have a chick and don't know what to do with it.

    It is completly amazing that what I crack into a skillet in the morning can becoem this in 3 weeks. We got the eggs from our chickens. His dad is a Barred Rock and his mom is either a barred Rock, Black or Rhode Island Red, we are not sure.
  13. dcphotos

    HELP! I have a chick and don't know what to do with it.

    Our first baby chick with his shell: Here he is taking a poop: His name is Chirpy: He loved the scrambled eggs.
  14. dcphotos

    HELP! I have a chick and don't know what to do with it.

    Well it worked. I'm not one for prior planning. But I can do the pictures part(my profession), he is due to have studio portraits made this evening. We asked a vet. He suggested grits. I have both scratch and regular feed out back, perhaps I'll try a blend and some scrambled egg, but the egg...
  15. dcphotos

    HELP! I have a chick and don't know what to do with it.

    My wife bought me an incubator for my birthday. We put 2 eggs in it and decided to see what would happen. So now we have a brand new baby chick, amazingly cute. The feed store is closed until Monday. What can we feed it in the meantime? Should we just crush up the regular chicken food? We will...
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