Recent content by ddeviltlc

  1. ddeviltlc

    Can I free 2 Muscovy ducks?

    I have several but only the females remained the males had flown off about a year ago. But now and then they come back to visit their friends. I have other ducks some mixed with the Muscovy so it keeps the happy momma's around. They can care for themselves as long as they can get to water. As...
  2. ddeviltlc

    Look Out Chickens Duck

    I have different types and size chickens . Started with some from Murray McMurray hatchery. Then did a lot of mixing now I have a great mix. Funny about the Look out chickens Duck is my best hatchers are my momma ducks I juat take the eggs and give them to the momma duck she does the rest even...
  3. ddeviltlc

    Mealworm farming

    sounds like the right idea now all I have to do is find live ones to start. If you saw the prices for just a small jar of the dead one you would be\ shocked.
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