Recent content by deniserago

  1. deniserago

    40 unhatched eggs?

    Good Morning Guinea fans!!! My guinea hen has been broody and sitting on about 40 eggs since the first week of April. She still faithfully sits on them. Are they duds? What should I do? I was told 30 day incubation period. Please help. Oh, and we also found a nest in the yard from the other hen...
  2. deniserago

    Good Morning Guinea fans!!! My guinea hen has been broody and sitting on about 40 eggs since...

    Good Morning Guinea fans!!! My guinea hen has been broody and sitting on about 40 eggs since the first week of April. She still faithfully sits on them. Are they duds? What should I do? I was told 30 day incubation period. Please help. Oh, and we also found a nest in the yard from the...
  3. deniserago


    Yes, the hens will lay eggs, often sharing a nest and come and go until they turn "broody," then one will sit on them non stop for about 30 days. My hens waited over a month. By then they had over 30 eggs. I am choosing to let nature take it's course with them. I was fortunate they adopted...
  4. deniserago

    Converting horse stalls to chicken coop?

    Oh yes, don't forget the perches! You can see them in the photo. They hang out on them all night.
  5. deniserago

    Converting horse stalls to chicken coop?

    It has been since last summer and I have no complaints. The photo I have is the one in this thread. I went online and googled "convert a stall to a chicken coop..." (images) I got a lot of ideas. I have the coop inside but they never use it; they love the "poop deck." I keep it covered with...
  6. deniserago

    Ok the guineas are 16 weeks old...

    Ok. so I have let them out twice. They stayed close the first day and the second day the roosters flew over the fence! Then while coaxing them in, the two hens flew on the roof of the house! We were able to get them back in this time for the day. Today is raining. Shall I let them out on rainy...
  7. deniserago

    Ok the guineas are 16 weeks old...

    Also steering them does not work because they just fly. Ugh! I am frustrated
  8. deniserago

    Ok the guineas are 16 weeks old...

    We tried letting two out and lost them... Got one back two weeks later a mile away :(
  9. deniserago

    Ok the guineas are 16 weeks old...

    This is great advice. One problem is that even when I bring live crickets they just watch them walk away. They do not go after them and eat them. Plus they do not like dried worms or anything. The treat thing does not work.
  10. deniserago

    Ok the guineas are 16 weeks old...

    I have lost two. Last time I let two out I only got one who was a mile away at a guys house in the woods. It took days to catch her! So now they are 16 weeks old. Shall I let them all out and leave the stall/coop door open for them to return? I cant keep them in forever but I am afraid to lose...
  11. deniserago


    I thought of that. I will try that next
  12. deniserago


    Well, they could be mine but I am in another state... My two never came back. One is way down the road at a man's house but we cannot catch her and now he likes her and wants to keep her. I wonder if I have rights to get my livestock or does he have the right to keep her. I have been trying...
  13. deniserago

    Letting the guineas out

    They separated! One is down the road at a man's house but we cant catch her. Any suggestions? The other is nowhere to be found. This man just called today and we tried to get her. The rooster has not been seen :(
  14. deniserago

    Letting the guineas out

    The other weird thing is the two guineas did NOT stay together????
  15. deniserago

    Letting the guineas out

    It is morning and no sound or sight of the guineas. I got them to manage bugs and snakes so naturally they needed to be let out eventually. But it didn't work. I am sad because I am very fond of my hens. I plan to put a sign up but what good that will do I don't know because someone wont...
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