Recent content by elena de Gaia

  1. elena de Gaia

    swollen beak

    I will try to get pictures tomorrow. Another hen had an inflamed infected eye and nostrils a month ago. I treated with triple antibiotic ointment and it appeared to clear up. THis morning that chicken [goldie] was dead. She might have gootten to cold. the waterer had tipped over and the...
  2. elena de Gaia

    swollen beak

    Hi, The upper beaks of 3 of my hens is swollen and shorter than the upper beak. They look healthy otherwise and are eating fine. Anyone know what this is or what to do?
  3. elena de Gaia

    Moving the Chick's into the Coop with the Chicken's ...?!

    Thanks. This was helpfull information for me also. My hens were 2 years old when I got the this fall and 2 broody hens have hatched out 13 chicks. THe mama hens and their chicks are in a sparate coop section along side the other hens. the only problem is some aggression between the two moms on...
  4. elena de Gaia

    Time to leave the nest?

    Thanks. I guess the message is trust the broody. She has been amazing with this first brood. I have a new appreciation of the term.."Mother Hen.."
  5. elena de Gaia

    Time to leave the nest?

    When should I put mama hen back with the other hens and keep chicks separate? The chicks are hen hatched and raised living with mom in a separate section f the cop and pen. At 5 weeks they are hoping all around her and on her. Does Ebony [MOM] need a break? I have 2 hens with their chicks in...
  6. elena de Gaia

    RIR and Buff Orpington chicks?

    What Do the male and female chicks of a Rhode Island Red roo and a Buff Orpington hen look like? How about the chicks of an aracuna hen and RIR roo?Thanks for the help...I've got a lot of cute 3 week old chicks running about....each of my 5 hens contributed eggs to the broody hen's nest.
  7. elena de Gaia

    Buff Orpington x Barred Rock results (pics)

    My Rhode Island red fathered chicks with my Buff Orpington hen and my Aracuna and Black Austrolop. Does anyone know what the chicks male and female will look like. I've identified the black sex links [barred hen] and red sex linked [ hen = Lace Wyandorf] . L:rolleyes:orenzo was a busy boy.
  8. elena de Gaia

    should I move the nest????

    Thanks for the help. I blocked off part of the coop and set up a "nursery". as I was working I heard a chorus of peeps. I didn't disturb mama [Ebony] but there were at least 3. Tomorrow I will move them to the coop floor where I've set up feeding stations and water. I hope that the 2 broody...
  9. elena de Gaia

    should I move the nest????

    Thanks so much. Good advise.
  10. elena de Gaia

    should I move the nest????

    Hi, I'm new to the forum this is my first Spring with chickens. I have 2 hens sitting on eggs in the egg-laying boxes of the coop...3 feet off the ground. It is day18-20 and I am realizing that I should have moved them to their own nesting area weeks ago. What to do? 1. should I move them now...
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