Recent content by Emmie595

  1. Emmie595

    coop bedding- what do you prefer??

    I use very fine shavings, and put a layer of food grade diatomaceous earth underneath it. The DE takes care of the flies and also the birds dustbath themselves so I have no bird lice. Good Luck!!!!
  2. Emmie595


    UPDATE: I gave tylan injectable to effected two chickens, with both 90% better after 24 hrs. Got tylan water soluble in mail today and will treat all of them... thank you to all that helped me!!!!
  3. Emmie595


    No needle phobia but many chickens, and thinking to treat all of them. was wondering how much to put in water per gallon?????
  4. Emmie595

    sick chicken

    Where do I get these drugs as tractor seems to only have the injectables and I have too many chickens for that......Oh and thank u for the info!!!!!!
  5. Emmie595


    Having the same problem, stinky winter. My tractor only had tylan injectable????????? picked up Manna Pro aureomycin 4G medicated crumbes, however says not to give to hens whose eggs are consumed by humans......
  6. Emmie595

    sick chicken

    I have a chicken with severe respitory problems, I isolated her from the flock. today I went to the coop and another chicken had gook coming from her eye. Does anyone know about what the withdrawl time is for manna pro aureomycin 4G crumbles is???? the info I am getting is just don't use it for...
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