Recent content by Emspringr

  1. E

    He or She? Lavender Orpingtons, Black Copper Maran, Buff Orpington

    Darn!!!! The buff has me stumped. It looks mostly female but it definitely looks like it’s trying to get some sickle feathers near that tail like a male. The rest female!
  2. E

    Wing feather development

    Hi! I’m wondering (soley for fun) if you would assume these two birds to be of the same sex. You’re welcome to guess their sex too (again for fun, I realize there’s no science behind it) but I’m mostly wondering if you assume they’re both the same. I assume they are. Typically with my...
  3. E

    Sick chick

    The oldest of them are about 7 weeks and the youngest of them probably 3-5 weeks
  4. E

    Sick chick

    It was dark bloody! They’re on chick starter/grower. Non medicated
  5. E

    Sick chick

    Hi!! We recently treated with Corid for bloody poop. No one really seemed sick, the poop was the only symptom. Their poops are back to normal. But two of the youngest chicks are literal skin and bones with poor feathering. One smaller than the other. I can tell by their crops that they’re...
  6. E

    He or She? Lavender Orpingtons, Black Copper Maran, Buff Orpington

    I work with Maran’s a lot and I’d call yours a pullet! My young cockerels this age already have very strong red combs.
  7. E

    Chonky Boy (?) the Lavender Orpington Chick

    Im so glad I found this thread! I’m surprised there aren’t more like it documenting growth. (For fun of course, I realize there’s not science behind sexing this early.) I also got mine from tractor supply straight run bin. I’m guessing pullets on these two. They’re about 4 days old or so and...
  8. E

    Red sex link x old English game rooster

    Anyone ever hatch from a red sex link hen and a game rooster??? Can I see photos?
  9. E

    ISO black copper marans near San Antonio

    Hi! My hen turned out to be a rooster, I’m going to keep him but he will need a lady. I’m looking for a French Black Copper Marans hen about 4-5 months old
  10. E

    Black copper maran. Rooster??

    Yes, I’m seeing the pointy feathers further down. Well, pivot from hen to rooster! I’m happy but feeling sad for my sweet barnyard mix! He’s a great roo but I’m only allowed 1 in the city
  11. E

    Black copper maran. Rooster??

    Are saddles white under feathers?? I’ve seen those for a long time. Just 1 on ea side I think
  12. E


    My mistake somehow I posted the post twice! My first post has photos. I tried to delete this but couldn’t figure it out
  13. E

    Black copper maran. Rooster??

    My guess is about 4 months. I never got an age when I bought her but she was little. Maybe 8-10 weeks. I’ve had her about 5 weeks now
  14. E


  15. E

    Black copper maran. Rooster??

    I got Mary as a pullet! She has very suddenly started looking like Morty!!!! What do you think? Hen or rooster?
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