Recent content by evieshotchicks

  1. evieshotchicks

    d'uccle breeders list for 2012

    I am looking to purchase golden neck d'uccle chicks or fertile hatching eggs, can anyone help me?? thanks
  2. evieshotchicks

    Belgian Bearded D'uccle Eggs For Sale

    hi, does any body have any black mottled fertile hatching eggs for sale? thanks
  3. evieshotchicks

    Blue Lace Red Wyandottes

    hi, I have blrw roos and hens, some are dark and some are light. Does anyone know what shades I will get with breeding the two different shades together? If I breed dark with dark will I get dark? if I breed light with light will I get light? What do I get if I breed dark with light? What do I...
  4. evieshotchicks

    Gold laced orpingtons and jubilee orpingtons breeders?

    Hi, I have Golden Laced Cochin fertile hatching eggs $5 each.
  5. evieshotchicks

    adding eggs AFTER day one

    Yesterday was DAY ONE of my incubating and I just collected another egg that I would like to add to same incubator. I am concerned as to what I do with that extra egg on DAY 18 when I add extra water and go into LOCK DOWN stage because that extra egg is only on day 17... thanks
  6. evieshotchicks

    blue cochin color genetics

    My blue cochin flock has black, blue and splash colors. They say if you breed blue with blue you get 50% blue, 25% black and 25% splash. My question is, if you breed black with black, what are the coloring percentages? Thanks
  7. evieshotchicks

    breeding cochin

    I was told that in order to have successful breeding, the hens vent must be shaved to get rid of excess plumage. if this is true, how do i do this? thanks
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