Recent content by feathersnpaws

  1. feathersnpaws


    Hi, OK this is how we had figured out costs , for feed- replacement costs, and yes maybe $ 8-10.00 sometimes for the individual birds, but the adults- were producing already, and my Sussex were just starting. And since that dog took 11 of my 16 Sussex layers,, yeah – I’m out. Russ is great...
  2. feathersnpaws

    Help! Need help with Replacement Costs

    Oct 28th Neighbors dog dug in, and out of our pheasant area and mauled all 3 chinese crested - I was mad as hell as I've had trouble with this guy for yrs, But my beau calmed me down and we let it slide. And now , again Nov.28-29 this same neighbors dog found his was into the coop run, and...
  3. feathersnpaws

    Help! Need Help Pricing for Reimburment Costs!

    Oct 28th Neighbors dog dug in, and out of our pheasant area and mauled all 3 chinese crested - I was mad as hell as I've had trouble with this guy for yrs, But my beau calmed me down and we let it slide. And now , again Nov.28-29 this same neighbors dog found his was into the coop run, and...
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