Recent content by Fireflyjunction

  1. Fireflyjunction

    Thick Saliva + Sudden Death = Infectious?

    On the off chance that someone is looking for help with a similar situation, I would like to add to my earlier post. Two more of my chickens have now died. I wasn't there for either Alice or Merry Gold's passing, but my neighbor tells me she saw Alice die from her kitchen window. Apparently...
  2. Fireflyjunction

    Thick Saliva + Sudden Death = Infectious?

    Went out to care for my hens as usual this morning, and noticed my Coraline was sprawled out in a fluffy lump and did not respond to me as usual, just looked up at me rather than jumping up for treats. Picked her up, and she seemed normal (clear eyes, good color skin, comb, no wounds or...
  3. Fireflyjunction

    Bantam Friends - What are we?

    Yes, those do look very similar to our little Scarecrow! (the others are Tin Man, Cowardly Lion and Glinda!) Awesome, I think we have our answers! Thanks again everyone!
  4. Fireflyjunction

    Bantam Friends - What are we?

    Thanks for the help guys, its been fun figuring this out. We are a sort of gift shop, its Vic's General Store inside the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead. Basically half gift store and half old time general store full of antiques and things, awesome place to work! We think the first two are...
  5. Fireflyjunction

    Bantam Friends - What are we?

    Thank you! I'll try to get better pictures when they're less bouncy if that's at all possible...
  6. Fireflyjunction

    Boy??? RIR???

    I got a RIR chick from the pullet bin last year and everybody I asked told me it was a roo. It had a huge comb, bright red wattles, beautiful rooster tail, and ruled the coop by three weeks old. Happily I can report that even today WENDY may be an almost dead ringer for a roo but SHE lays very...
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