Bantam Friends - What are we?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 6, 2011
KC area
These guys were in an assorted bin at the local farm store and the lady working had no idea what a bantam even was, let alone what hatchery they came from. Doesn't really matter what they are, the kids love them regardless, but we were just wondering.
(By the way they're on Facebook as Vic's Chicks!)

Buff Cochin? - its got feathered feet.

Another Cochin??

No idea but not feather footed like the first two.

Also not feather footed but darker (mayyyybe greenish??) legs.
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straight combs cochin pea combs brahma on the feather legged ones...clear comb shots would really help with the other 2 as well...i want to say bantam ee and a gold laced sebright or wayndotte but without comb shots those are just guesses
The last one is a Sebright. The first and second are most likely cochins, and the striped one is hard to tell from the pic.
Thanks for the help guys, its been fun figuring this out. We are a sort of gift shop, its Vic's General Store inside the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead. Basically half gift store and half old time general store full of antiques and things, awesome place to work!
We think the first two are Cochins since they both have a single comb. The first one would likely be a Buff, any ideas of color on the second?

The third chick is so hard to photograph, his color seems to confuse the camera on my already lousy camera phone. These pictures aren't much better but it does show the wing feather coming in a smokey grey/brown if that helps.

Last is the one we think may be a Seabright, any thoughts?
Yes, those do look very similar to our little Scarecrow! (the others are Tin Man, Cowardly Lion and Glinda!) Awesome, I think we have our answers!
Thanks again everyone!

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