Recent content by foursons13

  1. foursons13

    Sponsored Post Congratulations MamaNini! You won a beautiful coop from Handcrafted Coops!

    The best advice I can give is listen to others who have done it before you. They have tried and succeeded and tried and failed. Take what you can apply to your situation and set up and run with it. Not everything that works for other people will work for you so just keep trying. You will...
  2. foursons13

    Do turkeys lay pullet eggs?

    Awesome info. I have been looking into buying more but would love to raise my own. I didnt think she would start laying until spring! Its a bonus. She's laying eggs!!
  3. foursons13

    Do turkeys lay pullet eggs?

    Thanks so much for the information.
  4. foursons13

    Do turkeys lay pullet eggs?

    I have read somewhere that you shouldn't incubate pullet chicken eggs, is it the same for the first eggs a turkey lays? We are planning on hatching some chocolate turkeys from our pair but I want them to be healthy.
  5. foursons13


    Chickens love the leaves of rhubarb. Not so much the stalks. It wont hurt them at all to eat it. They will strip your leaves and then it will probably die off. If you want it for yourself you should move it. Otherwise they chickens will think it is for their dinning pleasure! Edited to...
  6. foursons13

    Beautiful Rooster pictures

    Our FBCM. I think he is a little big for his britches!
  7. foursons13

    how small are pullet eggs?

    I really thought that I would have to look hard for them if they layed them in the yard. They actually stand out like a sore thumb on the ground. Our run has sticks and rocks and leaves in it, but when there's a stray egg layed out there it was like it was screaming at me, "LOOK AN EGG!" First...
  8. foursons13

    3 chicks staying outside all night?????

    Its getting down to the 30's at night here and all 23 of my chicken still sleep on the outdoor roosts. If it were me I would go in but then again I'm not a chicken.
  9. foursons13

    Large and bantam cochin's pics

    Here's mine. Free chick with my McMurray order. LF Buff Cochin, I am pretty sure cockeral. Very easygoing has never crowed. For some reason this one always sleeps on the ground under the outdoor roost.
  10. foursons13

    How to give oyster shell.

    How do you give oyster shell? In a feeder? In a bowl in the coop? Mixed in with food? Thanks
  11. foursons13

    Anyone keep Giant Schnauzers?

    Dito on the Stubbornness! Make sure you have lots of time for training. They are incredibly smart but require a lot of time to get them trained. Once that is accomplished you will have a great family dog.
  12. foursons13

    New Pics of My Buff Cochin Pullet??? Hopefully!! 16 weeks

    Its LF not Bantam. Also it came from McMurray. It was my free exotic chick. It really just started developing in recent weeks. It was just like the other girls then all of a sudden it started looking cockeral like! I guess my best hope is to wait and see if it lays and egg! or sits on a...
  13. foursons13

    New Pics of My Buff Cochin Pullet??? Hopefully!! 16 weeks

    Chickie'sMoma : got any closer clean looking pics of the neck area? sometimes i find it hard to tell on cochins unless i get a clear pic of the neck and buffs are hard to see. also, if you look at the feet, do you see any bright pink like your BCM has on his? this is a sign that if it is a male...
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