Recent content by foxyloxy

  1. foxyloxy

    I have a very confused hen.....

    Hey everyone. We have a RIR hen that has started mounting/trying to mate with my cochin. (I know she's a hen since we have 8 hens and were getting 8 eggs a day in the fall. The RIR was one of our first layers.) We went out of town for a couple weeks, and when we got back the cochin had a bald...
  2. foxyloxy

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4 of 5? layers. We're not sure who's laying what yet hehe! And a one (or two?) of them started laying this week.
  3. foxyloxy

    Does anyone have a son that is not circumcised?

    Done here too... I think... my first time pm'ing lol!
  4. foxyloxy

    Homebirthers of BYC!

    Hey all! I just wanted to start a thread for those of us who are happy homebirthers. I thought it would be fun to just share a little about our births and tell some birth stories! Also, those who are considering homebirth can share future birth plans, hopes and/or dreams and ask questions...
  5. foxyloxy

    they all laid!!!!!

    Quote: LOVE your pic! I had a monster egg a couple weeks ago as well, although yours looks even bigger! Can't wait till we get 8/8 too! Now we are at 4/8
  6. foxyloxy

    Holy huge egg, batman!

    Ok, so I know people have posted stuff like this before... and mine probably isn't AS big as others... BUT.... I had to say something... My California White layed me this MOTHER of an egg a couple weeks ago. The carton wouldn't even close all the way, it was so big. I couldn't wait to see...
  7. foxyloxy

    **UPDATE with pics (pg. 4)!!** Rhode Island Red, Hen or Roo? PICS!

    Well everyone, I have my answer, and I hope it can help others to figure out what sex their RIR's are. It would appear that we have a lovely HEN As SHE layed this beauty yesterday... I wanted to make sure it was her before I posted anything, but I saw her in the nest box this morning and...
  8. foxyloxy

    Help me name my new roo??? PHOTOS!

    mmaddie's mom : Prince Poppycock! I just saw him for the first time yesterday! LOL! Yeah, we're behind quite a bit...
  9. foxyloxy

    Help me name my new roo??? PHOTOS!

    My first thought was.... Prince Humperdinck
  10. foxyloxy

    free range vs. not?

    Quote: I would strongly suggest you get three, not two. Chickens are flock animals and very sociable amongst themselves. If you get only two and goodness forbid, something were to happen to one of them you'd be left with a very lonely chicken on your hands. Uh ohhh... Do I see some...
  11. foxyloxy

    How red were your pullets wattles when she started to lay?

    My chickens combs and wattles are like the others'. Very red. Also, so far mine have layed about a week and a half to 2 weeks after the first slight squat. I noticed the closer they get to laying, the harder they.... ahem... hunker down hehe. They will also start to squat when just startled...
  12. foxyloxy

    **UPDATE with pics (pg. 4)!!** Rhode Island Red, Hen or Roo? PICS!

    Ok everyone... I wanted to tell you all, we got a big...... fat ...... ol'...... SQUAT today from the RIR!!! (I wish I was saying "egg" instead of squat!) So it appears that our little red is a hen!!!!! YAY! I was SO excited! Just wanted to share. When she lays an egg, I'll take a pic of...
  13. foxyloxy

    Wish we could free-range :(

    I have several different types.. California Whites, EE, BO, large Cochins, RIR, and a Wellsummer. I like the tractor idea... how would I herd them in and out of it? Lure them with treats maybe? And I did try the cabbage idea, they loved it! I actually put a whole head in there I've just seen...
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